Transplantation at SaTH
We are the Transplant Clinical Nurse Specialist Team based on the Renal unit at RSH. We work alongside Dr Suresh Ramadoss, Dr Harjeet Bhachu and Dr Sourabh Chand.
The team is led by Sister Sue Dean and Sister Katie Brunt, with the support of Sister Hannah Worton, Sister Lianne Stretton-Lloyd, Sister Tess Lozano, Sister Sheridan Hall, and Chloe Herbert (Transplant Secretary).
Transplantation is the best treatment option for patients who have kidney disease. Kidney transplantation services are available for those with chronic kidney disease and for patients who are on dialysis. For patients with chronic kidney disease and type one diabetes we also offer a transplantation service for a combined kidney and pancreas transplant.
We do not perform transplants here; kidney transplants are done at The University Hospital Birmingham as they are our Transplant Centre. Occasionally you may be referred to another hospital for transplant, but this will be discussed with you first. A combined kidney and pancreas are primarily done at the University of Wales hospital in Cardiff.
Here at SaTH, we are here to help and advise you on whether you are suitable for transplantation and help you through this process.
We provide education on the transplant referral process and help co-ordinate being referred for transplant. We run a clinic on a Thursday and Friday afternoon in The Hummingbird Centre.
Interested in being a donor?
You can find more information on the websites below:
You can reach our team on the following:
Telephone: 01743 261000 Ext. 1039