Meet the Team


Name Role Special Interest
Mr Suresh Sagili Consultant Oculoplastics Clinical Governance Lead
Mr Sohraab Yadav Consultant Oculoplastics College Tutor
Mr Tarek Hammam Consultant Vitreoretinal surgery
Mr Palpandian Viswanathan Consultant Vitreoretinal surgery Clinical Director
Ms Lakshika Perera Consultant Medical retina Service Lead
Mr Prasad Rao Consultant Medical retina
Ms Devaki Nayak Consultant Medical retina Audit Lead
Miss Nirmala Jha Consultant Medical retina NHS Locum
Mr Thomas Jenyon Consultant Cornea UEC Lead
Mr Muyiwa Owoniyi Consultant Glaucoma
Ms Felicity Kirtley Consultant Paediatrics Service Lead
Dr Nina Mathew Specialist Doctor Medical retina
Dr Ishanee Devasurendra Specialist Doctor Paediatrics
Dr Elfride Sanjana Specialist Doctor Glaucoma
Dr Komal Godbole Speciality Doctor
Dr Su Zaw Speciality Doctor
Dr Kadirvelu Kubendrakumar Speciality Doctor
Dr Shanthini Sathiaraj Speciality Doctor
Dr Esha Jamal Speciality Doctor
Dr Abayomi Olagunju Speciality Doctor
Dr Chris Wenham GP with Special Interest Cornea
Name Role Special Interest
Vicky Howells Senior Sister RSH Outpatients including UEC
Colleen Davies Senior Sister PRH Outpatients including RSH Cataract Suite
Name Role Special Interest
Claire Cox Matron Including Head and Neck
Name Role Special Interest
Sian Meagre Sister anti-VEGF injections, reviews and post op Vitreoretinal
Jean Medina Sister anti-VEGF injections, reviews, YAG laser and UEC
Laura Poole Sister anti-VEGF injections and reviews
Matheresa (Tess) Castigador Sister anti-VEGF injections and Glaucoma
Carol Betmead Sister anti-VEGF injections
Alison Peleszok Sister anti-VEGF injections and post op Vitreoretinal
Name Role Special Interest
Jo Dulson Technician Cataract and Cornea
Michelle Norwood Technician Cataract and Cornea
Beckie Pickford Technician Cataract and Cornea
Karen McDonnell Technician Cataract and Cornea
Name Role Special Interest
Kate Williams Head Optometrist anti-VEGF injections, reviews and refraction
Charlotte Deakin Head Orthoptist Orthoptic Lead for Visual Processing Difficulties and SEN
Philippa Downes Orthoptist Glaucoma and Orthoptic Lead for Literacy Difficulties
Sue Vaggers Orthoptist Orthoptic Lead for School Screening
Becky Pinches Orthoptist Orthoptic Lead for Low Vision and Stroke
Sonia Rattu Orthoptist Literacy Difficulties
James Clifford Orthoptist Literacy Difficulties
Becky Evans Orthoptist Low Vision
Emily Ball Orthoptist Glaucoma
Kay Phillips Orthoptic Technician
Jag Singh Optometrist anti-VEGF injections and reviews
Bachiter Phull Optometrist Refraction and anti-VEGF reviews
Sandeep Saimbi Optometrist UEC, Medical Retina and Cataract
Caroline Rogers Optician Adult Contact Lens
Cheryl Moon Optician Adult Contact Lens
Name Role
Jenny Price Centre Manager
Rachael Morris Centre Manager PA
Abbey Wareing Operational Manager
Fi Hayward Ops Manager & Matron PA
Karen Maloney Assist Ops Manager
Emma Grove Service Co-ordinator
Jodie Simmonds Support Co-ordinator
Cat Harris Support Co-ordinator
Zlatina Kusheva Support Co-ordinator
Liz Jones Support Co-ordinator
Maria Hazell Med Sec Supervisor
Name Special Interest
Abigail Close Glaucoma
Gabbie Orme Medical Retina
George Lewis Medical Retina
Marie Golling Oculoplastics
Shirley Trickett PVI Vitreoretinal/Corneal
Fiona Marshall TAH Vitreoretinal
Shirley Beeston Paediatrics
Becks Adams Contact Lens
Caroline Grove Glaucoma, VR, Plastics, Corneal
Christine Crawshay-Williams TAH Vitreoretinal/Paeds


Shrewsbury and Telford Hospitals has a dedicated Royal National Institute of Blind People (RNIB) Eye Care Liaison Officer (ECLO), Emma Chaplin, who can provide advice and support for anyone affected by sight loss on topics that can make life easier such as:

  • maintaining your independence
  • equipment and technology
  • eye condition and treatment understanding
  • access to education, employment, and leisure
  • benefits and concessions that you may be entitled to

Emma can be found in the Ophthalmology department, Monday to Friday and can be contacted on 07808 736 449 or 01743 261 000 ext. 3616 or email

For more information please visit the RNIB’s Sight Loss Advice Service Website.