Your Birth Preferences2025-03-11T12:17:14+00:00

Your Birth Preferences

During your pregnancy, our teams will share a ‘Birth Preferences Card’ with you for you to share your preferences for your birth experience.

The card, co-produced with the Maternity and Neonatal Voices Partnership Shropshire and Telford & Wrekin, aims to enable you to discuss your birth preferences with your care team and support partners in full. The card also assists clinicians to have a clear visual guide of your preferences during your birth experience.

The Birth Preferences Card will be shared with you by your 28-week appointment to take home and reflect on. The card will be a part of an ongoing discussion throughout the remainder of your pregnancy with your healthcare team.

The card will then stay with you throughout your birthing journey to ensure your preferences are known by your care team and it can be amended at any stage as your clinical needs or preferences change. Please ensure you bring your Birth Preferences Card with you when you are in labour or when attending for an elective procedure.

Our birthing rooms on the Consultant Led Unit and Midwife Led Unit also have large versions of the Birth Preferences Card displayed on the wall to show your birth preferences during labour.

For more information on making a birth plan can be found here:

A pregnant woman sat upright on a hospital bed. She is wearing a tshirt that has been pulled up to expose her bump, where CTG monitors have been placed. She is holding a birth preferences card in her hands which she is reading.


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