Visiting Guidance2025-02-28T13:40:59+00:00

Visiting Guidance

Delivery Suite: Two birth partners can attend.

Midwife Led Unit: Two birth partners can attend.

Triage: One support partner can accompany each woman when they are being assessed in Triage. On arrival an initial assessment will take place which partners can be present for and if you need immediate care then your partner can stay with you while you are on the ward.

If you are required to wait for further review or follow up, a pager may be issued to allow your partner and/or yourself to wait outside of Triage due to capacity in the waiting area. When you return for further observations, your partner will be able to attend with you.

Antenatal (Ward 22): One support partner is able to visit between 9am – 8.30pm. An additional adult visitor is able to attend between 2-5 pm and 6.30-8pm. Maximum of two visitors at the bedside at any one time.

Postnatal (Ward 21): One support partner and siblings are able to visit between 9am – 8.30pm. An additional adult visitor is able to attend between 2-5 pm and 6.30-8pm. Maximum of two adult visitors, plus siblings, at the bedside at any one time.

Antenatal and Ultrasound Appointments: One support partner is able to accompany each woman to their booking appointment (at around 12 weeks). All additional antenatal or ultrasound appointments should ideally be with one support partner, however, we appreciate that you may need to have children accompany you to your appointment due to childcare needs.

Neonatal: Two parents, or a parent and named guardian, are able to visit the unit together and have access to the unit at any time, day or night.


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