Getting to us2025-03-05T13:48:08+00:00

Getting to us

The Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust has two main hospital sites in Shropshire, the Royal Shrewsbury Hospital, Shrewsbury and the Princess Royal Hospital in Telford.

The Princess Royal Hospital is home to the Shropshire Women and Children’s Centre, which contains the Wrekin Midwife Led Unit, the Consultant Led Delivery Suite, the Antenatal Ward (including maternity triage), the Postnatal Ward and the Neonatal Unit.

Our Maternity Outpatients’ services can be found at both hospital sites, so please check the location of where you need to attend before setting out for your appointment.

Please be aware that Maternity outpatients’ services at the Princess Royal Hospital are not located in the Women and Children’s Centre. The consultant antenatal clinic and maternity scanning department can be found on the ground floor, off the main corridor, opposite Wards 15 and 16.

Maternity outpatients’ services at the Royal Shrewsbury Hospital are being temporarily held in the Mytton Oak building which also is home to some community midwifery services.

Before setting out for hospital, please check which site you need to come to. You can travel to hospital using public transport, your own car, voluntary car schemes or the Patient Transport Service provided by the NHS for some patients.

Hospital site maps are available for both sites;

Directions, public transport and car parking information can be found here:

Car parking charges apply at both sites. More information is available on the Car Parking page.

Some patients may be eligible for help with travelling expenses. More information is available on the Travel Expenses page.


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