Maternity Services at Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust

Already pregnant? There’s no need to see a GP – you can come direct to us. You can self-refer through our BadgerNet Maternity Notes System or you can call us – for the Royal Shrewsbury Hospital call 01743 261208 or for the Princess Royal Hospital call 01952 565703.

We aim to provide the best possible experience for mothers, babies and families – we want you and your family to be involved in making informed choices about your journey through pregnancy, birth and parenthood. Our aim is to give dignity through kind and compassionate care.

We strive to base our practice on the best available evidence. We aspire to continually make every contact with women and families count towards improving their health and wellbeing.

Please visit our patient information page for the latest patient information and advice.

Maternity Voices Partnership Q4 Service User Feedback Report

Please visit the Healthwatch Telford and Wrekin website for the Quarter 4 Feedback Survey prepared by the Shropshire and Telford & Wrekin Maternity Voices Partnership (MVP). The MVP is an independent team made up of service users and their families, as well as local authorities, commissioners, and service providers, who help ensure that the experiences, needs, and ideas of those who use our services are fed into SaTH to enhance the care we offer.

The Feedback Survey offers us valuable insight both into those areas where we are doing well and where we need to do more, as well as being a very useful reference for women and birthing people. If you have used local maternity in the last two years the MVP want to hear from you and you can complete the online survey on the Healthwatch Telford and Wrekin website.

To find out more about the Maternity Voices Partnership Shropshire and Telford & Wrekin, please visit their website.

The formula manufacturers do have stocks and continued supplies at this time. Manufacture of these products is seen as an essential job in Europe. The main reason stocks are low is because of stock piling by parents.

Parents should be advised against stock piling, approaching food banks or directly contacting the manufacturer.

They should be advised that first milks should be used at all times and that if their current brand of first milk  is not available it is safe and appropriate to use another brand of first milk.

Information on infant milks can be found on the First Steps Nutrition website.

Local stores, pharmacies and corner shops have not experienced the same run on their products that the main supermarkets have.

Some women maybe interested in re lactation either because they are concerned about stocks of formula and /or because they want to provide immune protection to their baby  may find the information in the links below helpful.

  • LLLI
  • ABM which includes information about “Relactation: restarting breastfeeding after a gap” and “Low milk supply 101”

Two reports by the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists were published in 2018 which reviewed clinical practice within our maternity service.

For a copy of the full report and the addendum please click here.

A Maternity Voices Partnership (MVP) is an independent team made up of women and their families, commissioners, service providers and local authorities. The MVP provides a way for this team of people to design and improve maternity care together. The function of the MVP is more than simply to listen: it is a way of discussing challenges and ways of overcoming them, across Shropshire (including Powys) and Telford & Wrekin, through co-produced work.

We want to hear from recent service users and their families about their experiences of local maternity care.

For more information on what we do and to access our feedback form visit our website

Or find us on social media:

Consultant-Led Maternity outpatient clinics take place at both Shrewsbury and Telford hospitals. Outpatient Services include Early Pregnancy Assessment Service (EPAS), Antenatal Services and Scanning.  Depending on your needs, you will give birth in the Consultant-Led Unit or the Midwife Led Unit. You can talk this through with your midwife.

Our Maternity service has Midwife Sonographers, working alongside three Fetal Medicine Specialist Consultants. We provide routine scanning at both hospitals. We offer a combined Down’s screening test. This is made up of the measurement of the nuchal fold and blood tests. If you are unable to have the combined test, a ‘quad’ blood test will be offered.

The consultant antenatal clinic and maternity scanning department can be found on the ground floor, off the main corridor, opposite Wards 15 and 16. The day assessment unit is located within the Womens and Childrens Centre.

The PRH Day Assessment Unit (DAU) is open from 9.00 am to 5.00 pm 7 days a week and is supported by an obstetrician. There is an appointment system whereby there are midwives available to see you or offer telephone advice if you have concerns.

The consultant antenatal clinic, maternity scanning and day assessment unit can be found within the Maternity Unit in the Mytton Oak Building, Royal Shrewsbury Hospital.

The Mytton Oak Building is located opposite the main hospital building. When you turn into the hospital entrance from the roundabout, it is the first building on the right hand side. There is a small carpark next to it in which patients and visitors can park.

Key Info

Contact Us

Royal Shrewsbury Hospital
01743 261000 (Switchboard)

Princess Royal Hospital
01952 641222 (Switchboard)

Maternity Triage
If you have any concerns about your own or your baby’s wellbeing and are over 16 weeks pregnant, please contact Maternity Triage. We are open 24 hours a day, seven days a week and can be contacted on 01952 565948. All calls to Maternity Triage are recorded for training and quality purposes

Independent Maternity Review

The Independent Maternity Review, led by Donna Ockenden, has now concluded.

Information regarding the Maternity Review can be found here: Maternity Review Webpage

Interested in working with us?

For more information about vacancies in the Trust please visit our Belong to Something website.

Associated Services

Fertility webpage
Early Pregnancy Assessment Service webpage
Neonatal webpage
Women’s Services webpage

For information about our birthing units please see the left hand menu.