Services we offer
General visits and pastoral care
If you would like to talk to a Chaplain about any issue you may be facing, please do feel free to stop them if you see them in person around the hospital, call at the Chaplain’s office, or use the Contact the Chaplaincy Team page to book an appointment.
If you would like a Chaplain to visit a patient on a ward for a friendly chat, please do contact us.
Holy Communion
Holy Communion is available in the Multi-faith room at each site on Sunday mornings. Please let a chaplain know at the office if this is something you would like to receive. It can also be received on wards for patients who are unable to come to the Multi-faith room.
Jumu’ah Prayer (Friday)
Friday prayers take place weekly in the hospital Multi-faith rooms at each site. Ablution facilities are available.
Emergency Baptism or Blessings
Emergency Baptism or Blessings can be administered at the request of the baby’s family. Staff are able to contact the on-call Chaplain if requested.
Gathering of Remembrance
Gathering of Remembrance events are held twice a year by the Trust and are an opportunity for families who have suffered pregnancy loss or the death of a baby to gather and commemorate the lives of their babies.
The events are open to families of all faiths and beliefs and will include readings, reflection and the reading of names of children who have died. Representatives from across our Maternity services and local communities will be in attendance. If you would like to attend this event, please email sath.chaplaincyteam@nhs.net for further details and to register your attendance. If you are unable to attend but would still like to be involved in the gathering or have your child’s name read out, please contact sath.chaplaincyteam@nhs.net. Further information is available from the Maternity Team on the following link: Maternity Bereavement Care – SaTH.
Prayer Trees
Prayer Trees have been introduced at each hospital Multi-faith room to provide a way for people to request a prayer for someone important to them, for a team they would like to recognise or for people they would like to be remembered. Prayers can be hung onto the trees branches and each tree will be pruned at the end of the month, leaves gathered, dedicated, and then disposed of in a sensitive way.