Contact the Chaplaincy Team
In an emergency, please ask a member of staff to contact the switchboard to alert the on-call Chaplain.
Otherwise, please use the following:
Telephone: Royal Shrewsbury: 01743 261000 Ext. 3638
Telephone: Princess Royal: 01952 641222 Ext. 4519
Email: sath.chaplaincyteam@nhs.net
Post: Chaplain’s Office, Main Ward Block, Royal Shrewsbury Hospital, Mytton Oak Road, Shrewsbury, SY3 8XQ
Royal Shrewsbury Hospital
The Multi-faith room is located in the Main Ward block, level 2. The Chaplain’s Office is further down the corridor on the left-hand side.
Princess Royal Hospital
The Multi-faith room is located on the first floor of the main hospital building. The Chaplain’s Office is adjacent to the Multi-faith room.