Cancer Multi-Disciplinary Teams (MDTs)

Each cancer team is comprised of a multi-disciplinary team (MDT). Each team is a multi-professional group which comprises of a group of expert doctors, nurses and other health care professionals with a special interest in diagnosis, treatment and management of people with cancer. Each member of the MDT has a different role to ensure all aspects of your care are supported.

The aim of the MDT is to ensure a co-ordinated, seamless approach to diagnosis, treatment and care planning for patients diagnosed with cancer. Each MDT meets on a weekly basis and arranges tests to determine what choice(s) of treatment options are available to you. They take into account many factors, such as the type and kind of cancer you have, whether it has spread, your overall general health and national treatment guidelines.

You may not meet all the members of your MDT but your Clinical Nurse Specialist (CNS) can provide you with information relating to who is in the MDT, the role of individuals within the MDT and when the MDT meeting takes place etc.

The MDT is also committed to providing timely communication to other professionals who you may come into contact with throughout your pathway of care.

MDT Lead Consultants

Acute Oncology – Dr M Nasim
Brain cancers – Dr D Dhinakaran
Breast – Miss S Rastall

Colorectal – Mr W. Ball
Haematology – Dr G. Cherian
Head and Neck – Mr S. Sood
Gynaecology – Dr B Sahu
Lung – Dr O. Bosher
Paediatric Oncology – Dr A Cowley
Palliative Care – Dr E. Corbett

Skin Cancer – Dr S. Oliweicki
Teenage and Young Adult Cancers – Dr Santwana Dwivedi

Upper Gastro-intestinal cancers – Dr J Butterworth/ Dr U Thalheimer
Urological Cancers – Mr P Pillai