Another Swan Room for SaTH following generous donations

23 December 2019 A new Swan Room has been created to provide dignity and privacy for patients at the end of life at the Trust that runs Shropshire’s two acute hospitals. Susan Jones and Val Alcock in the new Swan Room The latest Swan Room on Ward 32 Short Stay at the Royal Shrewsbury Hospital (RSH) was made [...]

Another Swan Room for SaTH following generous donations2019-12-23T14:13:22+00:00

Staff collect Christmas gifts for victims of domestic abuse

18 December 2019 Staff at the Trust that runs Shropshire’s acute hospitals have been donating Christmas gifts for victims of domestic abuse. Postnatal Ward with their donations The Postnatal Ward at The Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust (SaTH) collected gifts for Shropshire Domestic Abuse Service. Meanwhile, Sarah Voice, Anticoagulation Nurse Specialist at the Trust, held a collection [...]

Staff collect Christmas gifts for victims of domestic abuse2019-12-18T10:37:51+00:00

Medical Assistants to join out-of-hours teams at SaTH

6 December 2019 Doctors and Nurses at Shropshire’s acute hospitals are to get support in the evenings, at weekends and during Bank Holidays in order to improve patient flow and reduce hospital length of stay. The Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust (SaTH) is introducing its first cohort of Medical Assistants (MAs), who will work with Medical and Surgical staff. [...]

Medical Assistants to join out-of-hours teams at SaTH2019-12-06T11:24:19+00:00

Happy birthday, Gertrude!

27 November 2019 Staff at the Royal Shrewsbury Hospital (RSH) have helped a patient to celebrate her 100th birthday. Staff on AMU help Gertrude celebrate When Gertrude Gibson, who lives near Oswestry, found herself in hospital on her big day, staff on the Acute Medical Unit (AMU) were determined that she would still be able to mark the [...]

Happy birthday, Gertrude!2019-11-27T12:42:34+00:00

SaTH develops national programme for treatment of unwell babies

6 November 2019 The Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust (SaTH) has developed an e-learning programme to support maternity and emergency teams treating unexpectedly unwell newborn babies in community settings, in partnership with Health Education England’s e-Learning for Healthcare (HEE e-LfH) and The Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. Wendy Tyler The Midwifery Identification, Stabilisation and Transfer [...]

SaTH develops national programme for treatment of unwell babies2019-12-19T15:26:04+00:00

Outpatient services at Shrewsbury MLU to relocate

29 October 2019 Outpatient services at Shrewsbury Midwife Led Unit (MLU) are relocating from next week. The services – which include the Early Pregnancy Assessment Service (EPAS), antenatal and scanning – will be provided from Mytton Oak House, based at the Royal Shrewsbury Hospital (RSH) from Monday 4 November. The move will allow fire regulation works currently under way in [...]

Outpatient services at Shrewsbury MLU to relocate2019-12-19T15:26:09+00:00

MLU to move alongside Consultant-led unit at PRH

24 October 2019 Women choosing to give birth at the Wrekin Midwife Led Unit (MLU) in Telford will move into state-of-the-art new facilities located next to Consultant-led facilities in the New Year. A modular ward created for the NHS The move will also allow The Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust (SaTH), which runs the MLU to create [...]

MLU to move alongside Consultant-led unit at PRH2019-10-24T13:49:45+01:00

Therapy-led ward to open at RSH

23 October 2019 A ward designed to shorten the length of stay for patients at the Royal Shrewsbury Hospital (RSH) is set to open this winter. The 13-bed therapy-led ward, with an adjoining discharge lounge, will open in the Copthorne Building at RSH in the New Year and will help to free up acute beds over the winter months. The [...]

Therapy-led ward to open at RSH2019-10-23T11:19:43+01:00

Delivery Suite awarded Diamond status

10 October 2019 The Delivery Suite at the Trust that runs Shropshire’s two acute hospitals has been awarded Diamond status as part of the organisation’s Exemplar improvement programme. The Delivery Suite becomes the fourth department at The Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust (SaTH), which runs the Princess Royal Hospital (PRH) in Telford and the Royal Shrewsbury Hospital (RSH), to [...]

Delivery Suite awarded Diamond status2019-10-10T16:08:21+01:00

Hospital at Night Team’s simple solution to improve patient care

23 September 2019 A team at the Trust which runs Shropshire’s acute hospitals has come up with a simple solution to improve the care of patients who need medical treatment during the night. Abi Scriven with the new labels The Hospital at Night Team at The Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust (SaTH) has developed highly-visual alert labels [...]

Hospital at Night Team’s simple solution to improve patient care2019-09-23T14:26:44+01:00