New Chief Executive starts work

10 February 2020 Louise Barnett today took up her role as Chief Executive for The Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust (SaTH). Louise Barnett Louise has joined SaTH, which runs the Royal Shrewsbury Hospital and the Princess Royal Hospital in Telford, from The Rotherham NHS Foundation Trust, having joined them as interim Chief Executive in October 2013, prior [...]

New Chief Executive starts work2020-02-10T15:46:18+00:00

New mums have confidence in Maternity staff, survey shows

30 January 2020 New mums in Shropshire feel cared for during labour and birth and have their concerns taken seriously, a new survey from the Care Quality Commission (CQC) has found. The 2019 CQC Maternity Survey found that women cared for by The Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust (SaTH) had confidence and trust in the staff caring for them [...]

New mums have confidence in Maternity staff, survey shows2020-01-30T14:58:54+00:00

New Midwife Led Unit is lifted into place at PRH

30 December 2019 The building which will house a new state-of-the-art Midwife Led Unit (MLU) at the Princess Royal Hospital (PRH) in Telford has been lifted into place. The new MLU, which is being created next to the Consultant Led Unit, will also allow The Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust (SaTH), which runs PRH, to create additional beds to [...]

New Midwife Led Unit is lifted into place at PRH2019-12-30T12:47:53+00:00

Another Swan Room for SaTH following generous donations

23 December 2019 A new Swan Room has been created to provide dignity and privacy for patients at the end of life at the Trust that runs Shropshire’s two acute hospitals. Susan Jones and Val Alcock in the new Swan Room The latest Swan Room on Ward 32 Short Stay at the Royal Shrewsbury Hospital (RSH) was made [...]

Another Swan Room for SaTH following generous donations2019-12-23T14:13:22+00:00

Staff collect Christmas gifts for victims of domestic abuse

18 December 2019 Staff at the Trust that runs Shropshire’s acute hospitals have been donating Christmas gifts for victims of domestic abuse. Postnatal Ward with their donations The Postnatal Ward at The Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust (SaTH) collected gifts for Shropshire Domestic Abuse Service. Meanwhile, Sarah Voice, Anticoagulation Nurse Specialist at the Trust, held a collection [...]

Staff collect Christmas gifts for victims of domestic abuse2019-12-18T10:37:51+00:00

Medical Assistants to join out-of-hours teams at SaTH

6 December 2019 Doctors and Nurses at Shropshire’s acute hospitals are to get support in the evenings, at weekends and during Bank Holidays in order to improve patient flow and reduce hospital length of stay. The Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust (SaTH) is introducing its first cohort of Medical Assistants (MAs), who will work with Medical and Surgical staff. [...]

Medical Assistants to join out-of-hours teams at SaTH2019-12-06T11:24:19+00:00

Acute hospitals becoming ‘veteran aware’

28 November 2019 Shropshire’s two acute hospitals have signed up to gain accreditation for a covenant that ensures the best care for people who are serving, or who have served, in the British Armed Forces. Dr Kevin Eardley The Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust (SaTH), which runs the Royal Shrewsbury Hospital (RSH) and the Princess Royal Hospital [...]

Acute hospitals becoming ‘veteran aware’2019-11-28T15:23:29+00:00

Happy birthday, Gertrude!

27 November 2019 Staff at the Royal Shrewsbury Hospital (RSH) have helped a patient to celebrate her 100th birthday. Staff on AMU help Gertrude celebrate When Gertrude Gibson, who lives near Oswestry, found herself in hospital on her big day, staff on the Acute Medical Unit (AMU) were determined that she would still be able to mark the [...]

Happy birthday, Gertrude!2019-11-27T12:42:34+00:00

Trust Board reaffirms commitment to hospital reconfiguration scheme

2 July 2019 The Board of Directors at The Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust (SaTH) has reaffirmed its commitment to the reconfiguration of the Royal Shrewsbury and Princess Royal hospitals. Chair Ben Reid At a meeting of the Board last week, members said it was vital plans moved forward as quickly as possible. Ben Reid, Trust Chair, [...]

Trust Board reaffirms commitment to hospital reconfiguration scheme2019-07-02T11:47:43+01:00