Clarification: Comments attributed to SaTH Chief Executive

1 June 2018 We have been made aware of a campaign leaflet which is being circulated by the group Shropshire Defend Our NHS, campaigning against the proposals set out in the NHS Future Fit consultation. These proposals recommend creating a single Emergency Centre at either the Royal Shrewsbury Hospital (RSH) or the Princess Royal Hospital (PRH) in Telford, with the [...]

Clarification: Comments attributed to SaTH Chief Executive2018-06-01T14:36:30+01:00

Local people to shape the future of local hospital services in public consultation

30 May 2018 The following information is from our colleagues at NHS Future Fit The transformation of local hospital services is now in the hands of local people with the launch today (30 May 2018) of the 14-week Future Fit public consultation. NHS Future Fit is about improving the hospital services provided at the Royal Shrewsbury Hospital in Shrewsbury and [...]

Local people to shape the future of local hospital services in public consultation2018-05-30T08:09:19+01:00

New specialist cancer outreach nurse to support more young cancer patients in Shropshire

23 May 2018 The following information is from our partners at Teenage Cancer Trust Teenage Cancer Trust, the charity dedicated to ensuring no young person faces cancer alone, in partnership with The Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust (SaTH), has funded a new Teenage and Young Adult clinical specialist nurse to support young people with cancer aged 13 to 24, [...]

New specialist cancer outreach nurse to support more young cancer patients in Shropshire2018-05-24T10:54:02+01:00

New allergen-free menu introduced at Shropshire’s two acute hospitals

22 May 2018 A new allergen-free menu has been introduced at Shropshire’s two acute hospitals. It will ensure that patients at the Royal Shrewsbury Hospital (RSH) and Telford’s Princess Royal Hospital (PRH), who have food allergies and intolerances, know which foods they can eat safely. All of the dishes on the new allergen aware menu are ‘free from’ the 14 [...]

New allergen-free menu introduced at Shropshire’s two acute hospitals2018-05-22T11:57:23+01:00

SaTH named one of the UK’s best

21 May 2018 The Trust that runs Shropshire’s two acute hospitals has been named as one of the top performers in the country. The Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust (SaTH), which runs Telford’s Princess Royal Hospital (PRH) and the Royal Shrewsbury Hospital (RSH), has been named one of the CHKS Top Hospitals for 2018. The Top Hospitals awards are [...]

SaTH named one of the UK’s best2018-05-21T14:43:08+01:00

Trust launches competition to raise awareness of fetal movement in pregnancy

21 May 2018 Unborn babies don’t stop moving. That is the message that the trust which runs Shropshire’s acute hospitals wants to drive home in a major campaign. Claire Murgatroyd, Antenatal Ward Manager and Jill Whitaker, Matron for Consultant Unit Maternity Services, with the current folder Nationally and locally women say they want more information about their babies’ [...]

Trust launches competition to raise awareness of fetal movement in pregnancy2018-05-21T09:01:47+01:00

Services at Bridgnorth MLU temporarily suspended

18 May 2018 Inpatient services, including births, at Bridgnorth Midwife Led Unit (MLU) are to be temporarily suspended for four weeks from Sunday 20 May. Births at Oswestry and Ludlow MLUs, which are currently suspended, will continue to be temporarily suspended for a further four weeks. This is to ensure the safe care of mums using Shropshire’s maternity services. Oswestry, [...]

Services at Bridgnorth MLU temporarily suspended2018-05-18T15:27:34+01:00

Blue Butterfly Appeal will raise funds to support patients with dementia

18 May 2018 The Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust (SaTH) has announced a new fundraising campaign to support patients living with dementia. SaTH has marked the start of Dementia Action Week (May 21-27) to launch its Blue Butterfly Appeal. From left, Lucy Davies (Dementia Support Worker), Clive Knowles (owner of the British Ironwork Centre), Karen Breese (SaTH’s Dementia [...]

Blue Butterfly Appeal will raise funds to support patients with dementia2018-05-21T14:25:55+01:00

Thief steals charity collection box from RSH

17 May 2018 A charity collection box has been stolen from a shop run by the League of Friends of the Royal Shrewsbury Hospital (RSH). The League of Friends donation box was taken from the charity’s shop in the Outpatients of RSH some time last night (Wednesday 17 May 2018). The collection box was later found empty in a gents’ [...]

Thief steals charity collection box from RSH2018-05-17T09:05:56+01:00

SaTH takes part in national Maternal and Neonatal Health Safety Collaborative

16 May 2018 The Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust (SaTH) is taking part in the Maternal and Neonatal Health Safety Collaborative (MNHSC), which aims to improve the safety, reliability and clinical effectiveness of maternal and neonatal services across England. The Trust’s Head of Midwifery Sarah Jamieson, Clinical Director for Maternity Adam Gornall, and Lead Midwives Jill Whittaker and Louise [...]

SaTH takes part in national Maternal and Neonatal Health Safety Collaborative2018-05-16T14:39:31+01:00