Shropshire hospitals tackle Consultant Radiologist shortage

1 October 2018 Shropshire’s two acute hospitals are combating a national shortage in Consultant Radiologists to ensure women who need a referral to the breast service are receiving their first appointment within two weeks. The Breast Surgery and Breast Imaging team at The Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust (SaTH) have been working closely to address the issues following the [...]

Shropshire hospitals tackle Consultant Radiologist shortage2018-10-01T15:22:33+01:00

Latest on NHS Improvement independent review into maternity services

19 September 2018 The following is a statement from Deirdre Fowler, Director of Nursing, Midwifery and Quality: “We remain committed to providing the best care for all of our patients and to all women and families who use our maternity services. We are continuing to work closely with NHS Improvement (NHSI) and fully engaging and co-operating with their independent review. [...]

Latest on NHS Improvement independent review into maternity services2018-09-19T15:44:00+01:00

Patient says thank you to nurses with a special gift

18 September 2018 A patient at the Royal Shrewsbury Hospital has kindly gifted a coffee machine to the nurses caring for him as a thank you. The 29-year-old, who lives near Bridgnorth, is currently being treated on Ward 22 following a road traffic accident in July. Sister Becky Roberts and Staff Nurse Del Young with the gift from a [...]

Patient says thank you to nurses with a special gift2018-09-18T09:18:14+01:00

New surgical technique reduces time in hospital for hysterectomy patients

11 September 2018 A new surgical technique is being offered by SaTH for women needing a hysterectomy for fibroids, which is significantly reducing the length of time they spend in hospital. Women with the condition can now undergo keyhole surgery instead of conventional surgery. That means they can go home same day instead of spending up to five days in [...]

New surgical technique reduces time in hospital for hysterectomy patients2018-09-11T14:14:10+01:00

Catch-up NHS breast screening sessions ahead of schedule

7 September 2018 SaTH is expecting to complete the catch-up NHS breast screening sessions for women in Shropshire one month ahead of schedule. The catch-up sessions are for women, aged between 70 and 79, who were identified earlier this year as not receiving their invitation from the NHS breast screening programme, due to the national IT problem with the breast [...]

Catch-up NHS breast screening sessions ahead of schedule2018-09-07T14:23:49+01:00

Trust gives organ donation message a timely lift

5 September 2018 The Trust which runs Shropshire’s acute hospitals is working with NHS Blood and Transplant to promote organ donation to all its patients, visitors and staff. Fiona Deakin, Specialist Nurse for Organ Donation at SaTH, with one of the lifts Lift doors at the Royal Shrewsbury Hospital (RSH) and the Princess Royal Hospital (PRH) in Telford [...]

Trust gives organ donation message a timely lift2018-09-05T09:34:37+01:00

Nurse recruitment radio campaign launched

3 September 2018 The Trust that runs Shropshire’s two acute hospitals has launched a regional radio campaign to promote nurse recruitment. For the past few years The Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust (SaTH), which runs the Princess Royal Hospital (PRH) in Telford and the Royal Shrewsbury Hospital (RSH), has been developing its brand and using a multitude of way [...]

Nurse recruitment radio campaign launched2018-09-03T09:35:02+01:00

Horseshoe Pass fire fails to stop fundraiser Craig

16 August 2018 A Shropshire hospital worker has completed an epic charity cycle ride despite a fire on the Horseshoe Pass threatening to derail his plans. Craig on his final ascent Craig Edwards has intended to complete a “Three Peaks Challenge” – riding the equivalent of the highest peaks in England, Scotland and Wales - by ascending the [...]

Horseshoe Pass fire fails to stop fundraiser Craig2018-08-16T14:13:42+01:00

A&E doctor thanked for ‘saving’ wedding

16 August 2018 Charlotte Nutt, left, with her sister, Emily, and mum, Stephanie. It was one of the most important days in Charlotte Nutt’s life. Her sister, Emily, was getting married and bridesmaid Charlotte and her mother, Stephanie, would be walking with her down the aisle. That act was made all the more poignant, as that honour would [...]

A&E doctor thanked for ‘saving’ wedding2018-08-16T09:15:38+01:00

Trio to walk 85 miles from ‘coast to cradle’ to help bereaved families

15 August 2018 Three men are to walk 85 miles from the North Wales coast to the Princess Royal Hospital (PRH) in Telford to raise money to help families suffering loss through miscarriage or stillbirth. From left, David Jones,Sam Pryce and Neil Nolan David Jones, Sam Pryce and Neil Nolan will walk from Llandudno to the hospital on [...]

Trio to walk 85 miles from ‘coast to cradle’ to help bereaved families2018-08-15T13:39:32+01:00