Celebrating the work of our healthcare scientists

13 March 2019 They may never be seen by a patient – yet hundreds of 'unsung heroes' at SaTH ensure that they receive the best possible, often life-saving, care. As part of National Healthcare Science Week, the Trust which runs the Royal Shrewsbury Hospital (RSH) and Princess Royal Hospital (PRH) in Telford is celebrating the outstanding work of its healthcare [...]

Celebrating the work of our healthcare scientists2019-03-13T11:34:03+00:00

Every day should be a No Smoking Day

13 March 2019 By Julie Rudge, Specialist Sister and Service Manager, Hospital Stop Smoking Service Every person reading this should be aware that smoking is bad for you. Not a day goes by without a headline stating that your life expectancy will be reduced and your likelihood of developing a multitude of illnesses will be increased if you smoke. But, [...]

Every day should be a No Smoking Day2019-03-13T10:36:21+00:00

Trust dietetics team stir up an appetite for Nutrition and Hydration Week

12 March 2019 The Dietetics team at The Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust (SaTH) is getting behind Nutrition and Hydration Week, which runs from March 11-17, with a series of events. Tina Cheung (Nutrition Support Lead Dietitian), Simon Wright (Chief Executive), Lorraine Eades (Head of Dietetics and Care Closer to Home Centre Manager)  and Wendy Ballard (Medicines Management Dietitian) [...]

Trust dietetics team stir up an appetite for Nutrition and Hydration Week2019-03-12T11:07:25+00:00

Plans for the future of Shropshire’s two acute hospitals examined by healthcare professionals

8 March 2019 Healthcare professionals have spent the week looking at plans for Shropshire’s two acute hospitals to ensure the proposed layouts will allow them to deliver the best possible patient care following reconfiguration. Some of the team involved in the week-long 3P event A team of over 50 clinicians, patient representatives and other healthcare professionals have been [...]

Plans for the future of Shropshire’s two acute hospitals examined by healthcare professionals2019-03-08T11:57:57+00:00

Health Secretary visits PRH

8 March 2019 Health Secretary Matt Hancock said he had seen a real determination to improve Shropshire’s two acute hospitals. Mr Hancock talks to Jill Whitaker, Matron for consultant unit maternity services Mr Hancock toured parts of the Princess Royal Hospital (PRH) in Telford yesterday and also took the chance to speak to hospital leaders about plans to [...]

Health Secretary visits PRH2019-03-08T12:22:33+00:00

Trust launches staff blog to reflect health issues in the news

7 March 2019 The Shrewsbury and Telford NHS Trust (SaTH) has launched a blog, providing a platform for staff to write on topics within their specialties. With a particular emphasis on current affairs, the blog (which can be found here) will keep patients, members of the public, colleagues and everyone else with an interest in the Trust informed on health [...]

Trust launches staff blog to reflect health issues in the news2019-03-07T13:41:25+00:00

The fight against sepsis

7 March 2019 By Louise Ingrouille-Grove, Critical Care Outreach Sister Five years ago, the chances are you wouldn’t have heard of sepsis. But hard-hitting storylines in primetime shows like Coronation Street, Call the Midwife, The Archers and Holby City have changed all that. One aspect of my role as a Critical Outreach Sister is to review the deteriorating patient, and [...]

The fight against sepsis2019-03-08T16:21:45+00:00

New Hospital at Night matron appointed

6 March 2019 A new Hospital at Night matron has been appointed at The Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust (SaTH). Clare Walsgrove (right) will head up the multidisciplinary team that covers the Princess Royal Hospital (PRH) in Telford and the Royal Shrewsbury Hospital (RSH) throughout the night. Hospital at Night is a team of Nurse Practitioners and Clinical Support [...]

New Hospital at Night matron appointed2019-03-06T13:12:38+00:00

Trust joins nationwide Cervical Screening Saves Lives campaign

5 March 2019 The Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust (SaTH) has joined a new campaign launched to raise awareness of the risks of cervical cancer and highlight the benefits of screening, reminding women that cervical screening can stop cancer before it starts. Cynthia Davies, 56, TelfordFor years I didn’t miss a smear test but, with six children and [...]

Trust joins nationwide Cervical Screening Saves Lives campaign2019-03-05T15:46:07+00:00

Hospital staff take the plunge to raise funds for charity

4 March 2019 Two members of staff from SaTH are taking the plunge by swimming 22 miles - the equivalent of the width of the English Channel - to raise funds for diabetes research. Becky Whitfield and Susan Gatensbury, who work in the Hummingbird Centre at the Royal Shrewsbury Hospital (RSH), are taking on the Swim 22 Challenge for Diabetes [...]

Hospital staff take the plunge to raise funds for charity2019-03-04T11:05:46+00:00