SaTH Anticoagulation Service leaves patients feeling very satisfied

1 May 2019 The Anticoagulation team at the Trust which runs Shropshire’s two acute hospitals has received glowing results from a survey designed to measure how happy patients are with their telephone-based service. SaTH's Anticogulation Team The survey, which was sent to more than 900 patients, showed that 99% of respondents were very satisfied or satisfied with their [...]

SaTH Anticoagulation Service leaves patients feeling very satisfied2019-05-01T12:51:35+01:00

Calling all knitters! Hospitals require blankets for patients

29 April 2019 An appeal is being made for knitters to help create blankets and even bags for patients living with dementia whilst they are in hospital. The Dementia Team at SaTH is looking for people to help knit or donate colourful knitted blankets. Karen Breese and Lucy Davies from the dementia team at SaTH The blankets help [...]

Calling all knitters! Hospitals require blankets for patients2019-04-29T10:05:09+01:00

SaTH launches new patient food menus

26 April 2019 A new menu for patients who have difficulty swallowing will be rolled out across Shropshire’s acute hospitals next week. The Catering Team, Speech and Language Team and Dietetics Team at The Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust (SaTH) have worked together to create three new colour-coded, menus for patients with dysphagia, whch adopt the language and design [...]

SaTH launches new patient food menus2019-04-29T10:06:55+01:00

SaTH inspires the next generation of nurses

23 April 2019 Staff at The Shrewsbury and Telford NHS Hospital Trust (SaTH) are being encouraged to sign up as ambassadors to Nursing Now, a national initiative that raises the profile and status of nurses worldwide and inspires the next generation by shining a light on the exciting breadth of careers available within the industry. Clare Walsgrove, Matron Unscheduled Care, [...]

SaTH inspires the next generation of nurses2019-04-23T10:00:09+01:00

Experience of Care Week

18 April 2019 The work of staff who provide care for patients, families and carers will be celebrated next week when the trust that runs Shropshire’s two acute hospitals takes part in Experience of Care Week. Experience of Care Week is an international initiative, running from 22 April to 26 April, which recognises the value of each health worker’s contribution [...]

Experience of Care Week2019-04-18T12:30:17+01:00

Hospital team develops newspaper to help cancer patients

17 April 2019 A team at the Royal Shrewsbury Hospital has developed its own newspaper to help cancer patients understand more about their treatment. Bernadette Mortiboy shows the newspaper to patient William Fearson The Radiotherapy Team based at the Lingen Davies Centre has produced Radiotherapy News, a monthly newsletter which provides information about what’s happening in the department, [...]

Hospital team develops newspaper to help cancer patients2019-04-17T09:03:18+01:00

Theatre worker to run London Marathon in memory of her sister

16 April 2019 A member of staff at The Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust (SaTH) is preparing to run next week’s London Marathon in memory of her sister, who died from a brain tumour at the age of just 10. Lena Riemke-Maw, an Operating Department Practitioner (ODP) at the Trust will take part in the world famous race on [...]

Theatre worker to run London Marathon in memory of her sister2019-04-16T09:29:30+01:00

Hospital team aims to reduce Neonatal admissions

15 April 2019 A team at the Trust which runs Shropshire’s two acute hospitals is developing new ways of working to try to reduce the number of full-term babies unexpectedly admitted onto the Neonatal Unit. As part of a national project called ATAIN (Avoiding Term Admissions Into Neonatal units) to reduce admissions, the Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust (SaTH) [...]

Hospital team aims to reduce Neonatal admissions2019-04-15T14:24:43+01:00

Trainee surgeon wins gold at British University Taekwondo Championships

12 April 2019 A surgeon at the Trust which runs Shropshire’s two acute hospitals has won a gold medal at the British University Taekwondo Championships. SaTH surgeon Shko Resool with his gold medal Shko Resool, a Surgical Trainee in Vascular Surgery at The Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust (SaTH), which runs the Royal Shrewsbury Hospital (RSH) and [...]

Trainee surgeon wins gold at British University Taekwondo Championships2019-04-12T09:41:14+01:00

New clinical staff join SaTH  

11 April 2019 More than 150 new clinical members of staff have joined SaTH in the last three months as part of a pledge to recruit more to its ranks. Targeted recruitment drives and specialist overseas trips have bolstered the clinical workforce at the Trust, which will help to improve care for patients and their families – and support the [...]

New clinical staff join SaTH  2019-04-11T13:13:41+01:00