SaTH celebrates life-changing clinical research

16 May 2019 The Trust that runs Shropshire’s two acute hospitals will be highlighting the life-changing impact research has had on medicine when it celebrates International Clinical Trials Day on Monday. Clinical Trials Day (Monday 20 May) is celebrated around the world by Research Professionals to raise trial awareness and recognise patient, public and staff contributions to public health and [...]

SaTH celebrates life-changing clinical research2019-05-16T12:57:48+01:00

Trust launches lottery which will benefit staff

15 May 2019 SaTH is introducing a new Staff Lottery which will help to improve their working environment. The lottery will be a monthly event with the first draw being made in July. Half of the money raised through the lottery will go on staff cash prizes with the rest being put into the Small Things Makes a Big Difference [...]

Trust launches lottery which will benefit staff2019-05-16T12:59:02+01:00

Hospital Trust to Celebrate Dying Matters Awareness Week

13 May 2019 We’re all going to die, but many of us find it difficult to talk, or even think, about what lies ahead, or consider what it might feel like to lose someone we care for. The End of Life Care Service at The Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital Trust (SaTH), which runs the Princess Royal Hospital in Telford (PRH) [...]

Hospital Trust to Celebrate Dying Matters Awareness Week2019-05-16T13:05:47+01:00

NHS Providers Chief Executive praises Trust’s progress and leadership

10 May 2019 The Chief Executive of the organisation which represents hundreds of NHS Trusts has praised Shropshire’s acute hospitals for their leadership, progress and ‘desire to learn and improve’. Chris with Jill Whitaker Chris Hopson, Chief Executive of NHS Providers, made his comments after a visit to the Princess Royal Hospital (PRH) in Telford. NHS Providers, is [...]

NHS Providers Chief Executive praises Trust’s progress and leadership2019-05-10T09:56:53+01:00

Family says thank you with kind donation to new Doctors’ Mess

9 May 2019 A family has made a kind donation to a new Doctors’ Mess at the Princess Royal Hospital (PRH) in Telford as a thank you for the care given to their children following an horrific quad bike accident. Jay'D McYoung Rob and Burnadette McYoung, who own Door Loading Services UK Ltd in Telford, have donated roller [...]

Family says thank you with kind donation to new Doctors’ Mess2019-05-09T15:10:34+01:00

Theatre plans unveiled by SaTH

8 May 2019 Plans to make surgery as safe as it can be have been unveiled by SaTH. They include reducing interruptions in theatre, developing theatre team leaders and ensuring that key theatre procedures are given more priority. It follows an in-depth look by Trust into the way the theatres operate at PRH and RSH. The Trust wants to learn [...]

Theatre plans unveiled by SaTH2019-05-08T11:57:33+01:00

SaTH appoints interim Deputy Chief Executive

7 May 2019 SaTH has appointed an interim Deputy Chief Executive. Bev Tabernacle will join the Trust for seven months starting on 1 June until 31 December 2019. Bev will be on secondment from her role as Director of Nursing and Deputy Chief Executive at The Robert Jones and Agnes Hunt Orthopaedic Hospital NHS Foundation Trust. Bev was also previously [...]

SaTH appoints interim Deputy Chief Executive2019-05-07T16:02:26+01:00

SaTH nurse bids to swim length of River Severn

6 May 2019 After a knee injury left her walking with a stick and needing stem cell therapy for osteoarthritis, Shropshire nurse Melissa Compton had no choice but to abandon her love of skiing. Yet determined to stay fit and indulge her love for the outdoors, Melissa discovered a new passion - open water swimming. Whatever the weather or the [...]

SaTH nurse bids to swim length of River Severn2019-05-07T14:50:04+01:00

Staff recognised for delivering outstanding care

3 May 2019 Two members of staff at the Princess Royal Hospital in Telford (PRH) have been recognised for the care and comfort they gave a young man whose loved one had passed away in the hospital’s Accident and Emergency Department (A&E). Sue Williscroft and Ann Bagnall Ann Bagnall and Sue Williscroft who work in the Cleanliness Team [...]

Staff recognised for delivering outstanding care2019-05-03T13:20:24+01:00

Specialists carry out Trust’s 1,000th tongue-tie procedure

2 May 2019 Specialists at the Trust which runs Shropshire’s acute hospitals have carried out their 1,000th procedure to release tongue-tie in babies, to help improve breastfeeding. Midwives Emma Morris, Debbie Sharpe and Sandra Umataliev with William Turrell and his parents Alexander and Alina Midwife-led Tongue-tie release (frenulotomy) has been available at The Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS [...]

Specialists carry out Trust’s 1,000th tongue-tie procedure2019-05-02T08:58:18+01:00