Charity Fund attracts new fans

14 June 2019 Following a blazing hot summer of 2018, the Trust that runs Shropshire’s two acute hospitals has ordered 250 bladed fans to keep its staff cool this summer, or maybe just to blow away the rain clouds. Available through the Small Things Make a Big Difference Fund - which enables staff to ask for those small things that [...]

Charity Fund attracts new fans2019-06-14T14:57:56+01:00

Nurses working in A&E departments honing skills in real-life simulated environment

12 June 2019 Nurses working in the Emergency Departments at Shropshire’s two acute hospitals are honing their skills in real-life simulated environment. The Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust (SaTH) has recruited a number of new nurses to its two A&E departments in recent months; all of whom are being prepared for life in a busy resuscitation area by undergoing [...]

Nurses working in A&E departments honing skills in real-life simulated environment2019-06-12T11:20:43+01:00

Final preparations under way for charity fun day and fun run

11 June 2019 Final preparations are under way for a charity fun day organised by the Trust which runs Shropshire’s two acute hospitals to mark the birth of the NHS. Last year's activities involved a fun run, Nerf Gun arena, a visit from the Exotic Zoo and a free BBQ The fun day will take place at the [...]

Final preparations under way for charity fun day and fun run2019-06-11T14:49:02+01:00

Trust launches Acute Medicine Start of Change Weeks

10 June 2019  The Trust that runs Shropshire’s two acute hospitals is working to improve its urgent and emergency care with two Acute Medicine Start of Change Weeks. Emergency and Acute Medical Care teams at The Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust, which runs the Royal Shrewsbury Hospital (RSH) and the Princess Royal Hospital (PRH) in Telford, have been working [...]

Trust launches Acute Medicine Start of Change Weeks2019-06-10T14:02:49+01:00

Engagement Champions introduced as a result of NHS Staff Survey feedback

7 June 2019 More than 80 people have signed up to be Engagement Champions at Shropshire’s two acute hospitals, in a new role introduced as a result of NHS Staff Survey feedback. The Engagement Champions will have the opportunity to make a positive difference to everyone at The Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust (SaTH) and improve how it feels [...]

Engagement Champions introduced as a result of NHS Staff Survey feedback2019-06-07T14:14:42+01:00

Jason thanks Bariatric team after shedding 23 stone

5 June 2019 A Telford man has thanked staff at the Royal Shrewsbury Hospital (RSH) for saving his life after he lost over half his body weight with the help of the Bariatric team. Jason Parrish, 45, had struggled with his weight from an early age, and by the time he was 40 he tipped the scales at 40 [...]

Jason thanks Bariatric team after shedding 23 stone2019-06-05T13:41:04+01:00

Family’s kind donation helps to buy televisions for patients

4 June 2019 Four side rooms on a ward at the Royal Shrewsbury Hospital (RSH) now have televisions thanks to a kind donation from the family of patient who was cared for by staff there. The smart televisions will be used by haematology patients who often spend long periods of time in isolation in the side rooms on Ward 23 [...]

Family’s kind donation helps to buy televisions for patients2019-06-04T16:02:46+01:00

Lizzie raises over £1,200 to celebrate being cancer free for 15 years

3 June 2019 A Shropshire woman has raised over £1,200 for the SaTH Charity’s Shropshire Blood Trust Fund and thanked her consultant for the care he gave throughout her cancer treatment. Haematology Unit Manager Linda Morgan with Lizzie Grocott-James Lizzie Grocott-James received treatment at the The Royal Shrewsbury Hospital (RSH) and the Lingen Davies Centre which is part [...]

Lizzie raises over £1,200 to celebrate being cancer free for 15 years2019-06-03T15:09:22+01:00

Chief Executive Simon Wright to leave SaTH

3 June 2019 The Chief Executive of The Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust (SaTH) is to leave the Trust and take up a role working with Sustainability and Transformation Partnerships. Simon Wright joined SaTH in September 2015, having previously been the Deputy Chief Executive and Chief Operating Officer at Warrington and Halton Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. Simon said: “The [...]

Chief Executive Simon Wright to leave SaTH2019-06-03T12:13:31+01:00

Trust approves plans to recruit 71 new Emergency Department nurses

31 May 2019 The trust that runs Shropshire’s two acute hospitals has approved plans to nearly double the number of nursing staff at its two A&E departments. The number of full-time emergency department nurses at The Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust (SaTH), which runs the Royal Shrewsbury Hospital (RSH) and the Princess Royal Hospital in Telford (PRH) is now [...]

Trust approves plans to recruit 71 new Emergency Department nurses2019-05-31T16:55:34+01:00