SaTH Screening Timeline goes national

16 August 2019 A group of staff at the Trust that runs Shropshire’s two acute hospitals has overhauled an NHS Screening Timeline for their patients, and now the resource has been rolled out nationally by Public Health England. Managers for six screening programmes at The Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust (SaTH), which runs The Royal Shrewsbury Hospital and the [...]

SaTH Screening Timeline goes national2019-08-16T11:07:22+01:00

London calling for Amanda

15 August 2019 A new member of staff at the Trust which runs Shropshire’s acute hospitals will be taking her place at the start line of the 2020 London Marathon after successfully landing a place to raise money for the Trust’s charity. Amanda Cheeseman (right) gained her place through a ballot for staff at The Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS [...]

London calling for Amanda2019-08-22T12:46:11+01:00

Stunning sky ceilings to help improve patient experience

14 August 2019 Five stunning sky murals are to feature on two wards at the Princess Royal Hospital (PRH) in Telford to improve care for patients. The LED lit ceiling tiles will feature natural sky scenes and will be fitted in five side rooms on Ward 15 (Acute Stroke Unit) and Ward 16 (Rehabilitation), with one already completed. The aim [...]

Stunning sky ceilings to help improve patient experience2019-08-14T14:01:36+01:00

IT revamp will improve care for radiotherapy patients

13 August 2019 A £150,000 investment is being made in new IT infrastructure which will help improve care for radiotherapy patients at SaTH. The investment will mean that clinicians will be able to remotely access patient scans and treatment plans from any location within the Trust. New computers, up-to-date software and server hardware are currently being installed in the Radiotherapy [...]

IT revamp will improve care for radiotherapy patients2019-08-13T09:40:15+01:00

Continuity of Carer for mums-to-be at Wrekin MLU

12 August 2019 Expectant mums opting for a birth at the Wrekin Midwife Led Unit will be cared for by small teams of named midwives to improve their maternity journey. Midwives at the unit, which is based at Princess Royal Hospital in Telford, have introduced Continuity of Carer for their mums-to-be. It means that they will have the same people [...]

Continuity of Carer for mums-to-be at Wrekin MLU2019-08-12T10:55:33+01:00

SaTH welcomes 150 new Junior Doctors

8 August 2019 The Trust that runs Shropshire’s two acute hospitals has welcomed more than 150 new junior doctors. The junior doctors have come to The Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust (SaTH), which runs The Royal Shrewsbury Hospital and The Princess Royal Hospital in Telford, to continue their training and will work across a wide range of specialties, including: [...]

SaTH welcomes 150 new Junior Doctors2019-08-08T15:25:28+01:00

Cycling to work

By Kate Marsh, Highly Specialist Physiotherapist at SaTH Hello, my name is Kate, I’m a Physiotherapist at RSH, and I’ve decided to start a regular cycling blog to share the benefits I and some of my colleagues have found from cycling to work. Today (8 August) is ‘National Cycle to Work Day’, which aims to highlight the physical and mental [...]

Cycling to work2019-08-14T15:45:27+01:00

Renal Unit staff run 10K in memory of patient

5 August 2019 Two Senior Dialysis Assistants at the Royal Shrewsbury Hospital (RSH) have raised over £1,200 for the Shropshire and Mid Wales Kidney Patients’ Association (KPA), in memory of a dialysis patient who sadly died earlier this year. Barbara Soden (left) with Rachel and Allison Allison Anderson and Rachel Evans, who have worked at RSH for a [...]

Renal Unit staff run 10K in memory of patient2019-08-07T10:31:58+01:00

Comms specialist to ‘run Disney’ for The Harry Johnson Trust

02 August 2019 SaTH's communications specialist is to ‘run Disney’ to raise funds for a charity that supports children with cancer. Claire Dunn will be taking part in the 13.1 mile Disneyland Paris-Val d’Europe Half Marathon on September 22 for The Harry Johnson Trust – a charity close to her heart. The Harry Johnson Trust helps and supports children and [...]

Comms specialist to ‘run Disney’ for The Harry Johnson Trust2019-08-02T13:46:18+01:00

Improvements made in Emergency Departments following CQC inspection

2 August 2019 Improvements have been made in the Emergency Departments (EDs) at Shropshire’s two acute hospitals following an inspection by the Care Quality Commission (CQC) in April. The CQC today published reports into its ‘focussed inspection’ of the EDs at the Royal Shrewsbury Hospital and the Princess Royal Hospital in Telford, which took place on 15 and 16 April [...]

Improvements made in Emergency Departments following CQC inspection2019-08-01T16:55:57+01:00