Coffee shop voucher thank you to staff who have their flu jab

4 October 2019 Staff who have their annual flu jab at The Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust (SaTH) will receive a coffee shop voucher as a thank you. Emma Salvoni, front, with Karla Jennings-Preece and Natalie Hall showing off our Flu DJ T-shirts The Trust wants to encourage as many staff as possible to have their jab [...]

Coffee shop voucher thank you to staff who have their flu jab2019-10-04T15:50:20+01:00

Family takes part in a bungee jump to say thank you to neonatal unit  

2 October 2019 A couple have raised more than £1,200 for the Neonatal Unit at the Princess Royal Hospital (PRH) as a thank you for the ‘amazing care’ given to their eight-month-old son. Morty Hill spent nearly ten weeks in the unit, based in the Shropshire Women & Children’s Centre at PRH in Telford, after he was born 10 weeks [...]

Family takes part in a bungee jump to say thank you to neonatal unit  2019-10-02T16:06:26+01:00

October is Freedom to Speak Up Month at SaTH

1 October 2019 The Trust that runs Shropshire’s two acute hospitals is supporting Freedom to Speak Up Month - a national campaign to increase awareness of how staff can raise concerns at work. Among the initiatives being implemented throughout October at The Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust (SaTH) which runs The Royal Shrewsbury Hospital (RSH) and The Princess Royal [...]

October is Freedom to Speak Up Month at SaTH2019-10-02T09:22:09+01:00

Nurse to run London Marathon in memory of her father

30 September 2019 A nurse is to run the 2020 London Marathon in memory of her father who died after a battle with brain cancer. Abbie is taking on the 2020 London Marathon Abbie Bailey-Smith, who works as a Staff Nurse in Endoscopy at the Princess Royal Hospital in Telford, will take on the race in April next [...]

Nurse to run London Marathon in memory of her father2019-09-30T10:56:28+01:00

More than 20 Swan Rooms now in place at Shropshire’s two hospitals

27 September 2019 More than 20 Swan Rooms, which provide privacy and dignity for patients at the end of life, have been created at Shropshire’s two acute hospitals. The latest Swan Room has opened on Ward 7 (Short Stay Medical) at the Princess Royal Hospital (PRH) in Telford. It brings the total number of Swan Rooms at both the PRH [...]

More than 20 Swan Rooms now in place at Shropshire’s two hospitals2019-09-27T14:46:39+01:00

Patient information boards being rolled out to improve patient safety and communication

26 September 2019 Standardised patient information boards have been created and are being rolled out across Shropshire’s two acute hospitals. The introduction of standardised patient information boards will improve safety and communication at The Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust (SaTH), which runs the Princess Royal Hospital in Telford and the Royal Shrewsbury Hospital, by providing clear and easy patient [...]

Patient information boards being rolled out to improve patient safety and communication2019-09-26T16:13:46+01:00

League of Friends of RSH help fund new Radiology monitors

24 September 2019 The League of Friends of the Royal Shrewsbury Hospital (RSH) has helped to fund new Radiology equipment which will help improve patient care. Peter Crinson, Gill Mattey and Debbie Jones from the LoF with Graham Kelly The LoF has donated £48,695 towards four new reporting monitors which are used to provide clinical reports on patients’ [...]

League of Friends of RSH help fund new Radiology monitors2019-09-24T11:55:42+01:00

Hospital at Night Team’s simple solution to improve patient care

23 September 2019 A team at the Trust which runs Shropshire’s acute hospitals has come up with a simple solution to improve the care of patients who need medical treatment during the night. Abi Scriven with the new labels The Hospital at Night Team at The Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust (SaTH) has developed highly-visual alert labels [...]

Hospital at Night Team’s simple solution to improve patient care2019-09-23T14:26:44+01:00

Foundation will raise money to help Leukaemia patients

20 September 2019 A foundation set up in memory of a much-loved husband and father will raise money to help patients undergoing treatment for Leukaemia at the Royal Shrewsbury Hospital (RSH). The Blue Sky Foundation was set up in memory of Steve Newman, from Shrewsbury, who sadly died in November 2017 at the age of 50 after being diagnosed with [...]

Foundation will raise money to help Leukaemia patients2019-09-20T11:54:06+01:00

Trust’s Procurement team is amongst top five in the country

19 September 2019 The Procurement team at the Trust that runs Shropshire’s two acute hospitals has been ranked 5th out of 133 acute Trusts across the country, new figures reveal. The Procurement League Table ranks NHS Trusts for their efficiency in buying goods and services, so this result means the team at the Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust (SaTH), [...]

Trust’s Procurement team is amongst top five in the country2019-09-19T14:58:31+01:00