Cancer services at Hamar Centre to expand

9 January 2020 SaTH and Macmillan Cancer Support are working in partnership with other local charities to build a new Macmillan Cancer Support Service and extend existing services within the Hamar Centre at the Royal Shrewsbury Hospital (RSH). SaTH provides counselling and well-being services at the Hamar Centre for individuals with cancer and other life-threatening conditions. The new extension and [...]

Cancer services at Hamar Centre to expand2020-01-13T11:44:07+00:00

Hints and tips on how to fight the common cold

7 January 2020 The following information is from our colleagues at Shropshire Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) Health bosses at NHS Shropshire Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) are advising residents that they do not need to see a GP with symptoms of a common cold. You can usually treat a cold at home or speak to your local pharmacist for advice on [...]

Hints and tips on how to fight the common cold2020-01-07T15:01:31+00:00

Back Amanda’s 2020 London Marathon bid

3 January 2020 2020 is the year SaTH team member Amanda Cheeseman will take her place on the start line of the 2020 London Marathon after successfully landing a place to raise money for the Trust’s charity. Amanda gained her place through a ballot for staff at The Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust (SaTH). Amanda, who lives near Wem, [...]

Back Amanda’s 2020 London Marathon bid2020-01-03T11:12:05+00:00

Children’s Ward is all Gold

31 December 2019 A ward at the Princess Royal Hospital in Telford has scooped gold in an innovative scheme which aims to ensure patients have the best experience possible. The Children’s Ward has achieved Gold status as part of the Exemplar Ward programme at SaTH. Paula Clark, right, presents the team with their award Patient experience is at [...]

Children’s Ward is all Gold2020-01-13T11:47:20+00:00

New Midwife Led Unit is lifted into place at PRH

30 December 2019 The building which will house a new state-of-the-art Midwife Led Unit (MLU) at the Princess Royal Hospital (PRH) in Telford has been lifted into place. The new MLU, which is being created next to the Consultant Led Unit, will also allow The Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust (SaTH), which runs PRH, to create additional beds to [...]

New Midwife Led Unit is lifted into place at PRH2019-12-30T12:47:53+00:00

Festive Bikers bring Christmas joy

27 December 2019 More than 100 bikers dressed in festive outfits have visited the Royal Shrewsbury Hospital (RSH) to drop off a van brimming with donated gifts for young patients. The group from the Midlands Riders arrived at RSH, which along with the Princess Royal Hospital (PRH) in Telford forms The Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust, to drop off [...]

Festive Bikers bring Christmas joy2019-12-27T16:01:57+00:00

Another Swan Room for SaTH following generous donations

23 December 2019 A new Swan Room has been created to provide dignity and privacy for patients at the end of life at the Trust that runs Shropshire’s two acute hospitals. Susan Jones and Val Alcock in the new Swan Room The latest Swan Room on Ward 32 Short Stay at the Royal Shrewsbury Hospital (RSH) was made [...]

Another Swan Room for SaTH following generous donations2019-12-23T14:13:22+00:00

Vanguard Unit now in use at the Princess Royal Hospital

19 December 2019 A mobile recovery unit is now in place at the Princess Royal Hospital (PRH) in Telford with the first patients being seen from this week. The Vanguard Unit, situated towards the rear of the hospital, has been brought in to help alleviate the impact that winter pressures have on day surgery – same day surgery that does [...]

Vanguard Unit now in use at the Princess Royal Hospital2019-12-19T15:26:39+00:00

Help the NHS help you this Christmas

18 December 2019 Demand is always high for NHS urgent and emergency services during winter and particularly at Christmas and new year. Pressure builds as the weather gets colder and plummeting temperatures can result in more people being admitted to hospital. As a result, the NHS has started planning earlier than ever before with hospitals, GPs, social services and other [...]

Help the NHS help you this Christmas2019-12-18T16:03:12+00:00

Staff collect Christmas gifts for victims of domestic abuse

18 December 2019 Staff at the Trust that runs Shropshire’s acute hospitals have been donating Christmas gifts for victims of domestic abuse. Postnatal Ward with their donations The Postnatal Ward at The Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust (SaTH) collected gifts for Shropshire Domestic Abuse Service. Meanwhile, Sarah Voice, Anticoagulation Nurse Specialist at the Trust, held a collection [...]

Staff collect Christmas gifts for victims of domestic abuse2019-12-18T10:37:51+00:00