Learning Disabilities and Support Available

The Government passed the Equality Act which says that everybody should be treated equally.

Changes need to be made to make sure that everybody is treated equally.

These changes are called reasonable adjustments and they can help overcome challenges.

Different people need different adjustments to be made to help support them.

If you are coming into hospital you can contact the Acute Liaison Nurses.

You can tell them about anything that is making you anxious and reasonable adjustments you need to help you.

Rachel Meehan
Telephone: 01952 457417
Email: CLDTshrop@mpft.nhs.uk

It would be a good idea to bring your patient passport. If you need a patient passport, contact
Community Learning Disabilities Team
Your GP practice, or
Hospital Acute Liaison Nurses
Download a copy here

Mencap have made information to help people know about:
Your rights in hospital
Reasonable adjustments

If you are not happy with the care or treatment you received in hospital you can contact the PALS or Complaints team for support.

Mencap have a range of guidance available and provide a Learning Disability Helpline.