Friday 3 January 2025
Please be aware that from today (Friday 3 January 2025) we are reducing visiting in our hospitals. This is due to the rising numbers of flu, COVID and other winter illnesses and will help protect our patients and colleagues. There are some exceptions to this, which can be seen below.
Visiting is permitted:
- When a patient is considered at End of Life
- When a patient is given a life limiting or palliative diagnosis
- When a patient requires familiar support with communication, dietary or mental health needs including, but not restricted to, patients with Learning Disabilities, Dementia, Delirium with agitation, complex long-term health needs, or severe emotional distress
- For birthing partners
- For parents and carers for babies, children and young people
- For children and young people under 16, with an adult visitor. Young people over 16 will be treated as an adult visitor
If you feel there is an exceptional reason for visiting, please discuss this with the Ward Manager or Nurse in Charge.
Ways you can help
- Wear a face mask in all areas of our hospital areas to reduce the spread of infection
- If you have not already, if you are eligible, please get your flu, COVID-19 and other winter immunisations to help protect you and your loved ones
We recognise how difficult this decision is and thank you for your support. We expect to be reviewing our visiting guidance early next week.
Specific guidance for maternity services can be found here.
Paula Gardner, Interim Chief Nursing Officer from The Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust, said: “Due to the rising numbers of flu, COVID-19 and other winter illnesses, we have made the difficult decision to reduce visiting to essential visitors only, including for critical patients, birthing partners and other select groups. This will protect our most vulnerable patients and reduce the rising spread of infections. We are also asking all patients, visitors and staff to wear masks and practise good hand hygiene.
“We are grateful for everyone’s support in following these necessary measures, which are essential for keeping everyone safe. We know how important visitors are to a patient’s care and if anyone needs support to speak to a patient, please contact the ward, who will do everything they can to support and keep you informed. We will continue to keep these measures under regular review and will fully reintroduce visiting as soon as we can.
“We also urge everyone who is eligible to get their winter vaccinations, as it is not too late and this is the best way to protect yourself and your loved ones.