21 January 2021

RAF personnel at SaTH with Nigel Lee
Pictured are RAF personnel who have been brought in to support The Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital Trust (SaTH).
Ten members of the RAF joined SaTH on Tuesday (18 January) and will provide non-clinical support. They will be working to support porters, the Rapid Response Team, wards, the Incident Command Centre and stores.
Mr Nigel Lee, Chief Operating Officer at SaTH, who is pictured with the RAF personnel, said: “I am delighted to welcome the RAF personnel to our Trust who will be supporting our teams for the next four weeks. We are incredibly grateful for their support as we continue to see staffing pressures due to COVID-19.”
Master Aircrew Stuart Wright who is team leader for the RAF personnel said: “We are proud to be working alongside our NHS colleagues and assisting where necessary in the response to the COVID-19 pandemic. We have been welcomed universally by staff at all levels of the SaTH Trust and will do our best to offer any help wherever we can.”