26 June 2017
The Trust which runs Shropshire’s two acute hospitals can provide radiotherapy treatment to more cancer patients than ever before thanks to the arrival of an additional Linear Accelerator (Linac).

Staff take a look at the new Linac machine
The Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust’s (SaTH’s) third linear accelerator, which is based in the Radiotherapy Department in the Lingen Davies Centre at the Royal Shrewsbury Hospital (RSH), was funded by the Lingen Davies Action Appeal.
A Linac is a machine that delivers radiotherapy treatment to cancer patients. The department previously had two machines but a third is required to ensure that all cancer patients receive efficient and effective treatment.
Louise Killey, Radiotherapy Manager at SaTH, said: “We are thrilled with the arrival of the additional Linac as it means we can provide the most accurate radiotherapy treatment possible to all cancer patients, while ensuring minimal side effects and improving quality of life.
“This expansion of our radiotherapy service will help us to meet increasing demand and also to ensure that we can continue to deliver high quality radiotherapy with better outcomes for our patients.”
The new Linac cost around £1.5 million. The Lingen Davies Action Appeal raised £750,000 of that money and the Trust match-funded the rest. Having reached their funding target four months early, the Action Appeal was extended to raise a further £166,000 for a Perfect Pitch Couch. This enhances the effectiveness of the radiotherapy and will improve accuracy and efficiency.
Louise added: “Thank you to the Lingen Davies Cancer Fund for launching the appeal and to everyone who has provided so much fantastic support.”
Louise Dawson, Fundraising Manager at Lingen Davies which is an independent charity supporting cancer care in Shropshire and Mid Wales, said: “We are extremely grateful for all the donations that have enabled us to reach our target.
“From small change to the proceeds from large-scale events, every penny really matters to a small charity. As ever, we are amazed by the variety of methods our supporters have used to raise money, including rickshaw rides, head shaves, spin-a-thons and a sponsored zipwire challenge by an 80-year-old.
“Supporters have foregone birthday and anniversary gifts and donated instead, and numerous cups of coffee and slices of cake have been consumed.
“We want to say thank you to everyone who has contributed to the success of this appeal.”
In June 2017 Lingen Davies Cancer Fund launched their £1.25 million 40th Anniversary Appeal, which will fund projects to support early diagnosis, high quality treatment and quality of life beyond cancer.