5 February 2025

From Monday 17 February to Friday 28 February, we will be undertaking drainage diversion works on the road leading up to the Copthorne Building. This means that for two weeks, the road will become single-lane and be managed by a traffic marshal from 8.30am-4.30pm, Monday-Friday.

Services and departments in the Copthorne Building will remain open as normal. This includes Ophthalmology (Eye Department), Ward 35 (Renal), Children’s Outpatients, Supported Discharge (Ward 18).

Pedestrian access will be maintained throughout the works and will be safely separated from construction. If you are walking near this area, please stay to footpaths and be mindful of oncoming traffic. If you are visiting Royal Shrewsbury Hospital soon, please continue to check our website before attending, to help you find which entrance and car parking facilities are best for you: https://www.sath.nhs.uk/patients-visitors/getting-to-us/royal-shrewsbury-hospital/