Independent Maternity Review

The final report of the Independent Review of Maternity Services at the Trust, led by Donna Ockenden, has now been published.

The first report was published in December 2020 and the final report was published in March 2022. The two reports can be found here from the GOV.UK webpages:

First Report (December 2020)

Final Report (March 2022)

Families who wish to discuss the maternity care they have received, can do so by contacting:

Families who wish to discuss the neonatal care their baby or babies have received, can do so by contacting:

If you have any queries or concerns about your care, you can also contact The Patient Advice & Liaison Service (PALS). Call 01743 261691 for the Royal Shrewsbury Hospital or 01952 282888 for the Princess Royal Hospital. You can also email

If you have any questions or comments as an expectant mother/birthing person, please speak to your midwife or GP in the first instance.

Useful Information

Open letters to everyone served by The Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust

24 July 2024

14 April 2022

21 July 2020

Local and national support systems are available for anyone to access:

  • For urgent help with mental health please contact the Mental Health Access Team on 0808 196 4501 or email The Access Team provides a single point of contact for all Midlands Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust’s adult mental health services, including people with dementia. The team is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
  • NHS 111 select mental health

If you are experiencing a mental health crisis (something that makes you feel unsafe, distressed, or worried about your mental health), you can now contact your local crisis service in Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin by calling NHS 111 and selecting the mental health option ( 111. Your mental health needs will then be assessed by someone who will be able to listen to your concerns and help you get the support you need. They can offer advice over the phone, put you in contact with crisis services or refer you to most appropriate service. You can call for yourself, or someone else. NHS 111 is for all ages, including children and young people and those with neurodevelopmental needs.

NHS Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin Talking Therapies

Talking therapies are effective and confidential treatments delivered by fully trained and accredited practitioners. They can help with common mental health problems like stress, anxiety and depression. You can access talking therapies for free on the NHS. You can refer yourself directly to an NHS talking therapies service without a referral from a GP, or a GP can refer you. The service is open to anyone aged 16+ who is registered with a Shropshire or Telford and Wrekin GP and is not currently being seen by another mental health team.

You can self-refer to NHS Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin Talking Therapies in the following ways:

  • Email:
  • Phone: 0300 1236020 (NB: the patient’s details will be taken and a telephone assessment arranged)

Help is available in person, by video, over the phone or as an online course. For more information click here.

  • Samaritans: 08457 90 90 90 – The Samaritans are there to talk to 24/7 and will offer help in tough times.
  • Mind: 0300 123 3393 – Mind is a mental health charity that provides support. There is a link at the top of their webpage titled “I need urgent help” which will ask a number of questions and provide you with advice in your situation.
  • Call 999 – For medical and mental health emergencies

Information and Support in Mid Wales

  • In Wales, NHS 111 Press 2 for mental health is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for people of any age who have an urgent mental health concern themselves or about someone they know. The number is free to call from a landline or mobile and is available for anyone living in Wales.
  • Information about mental health services available from Powys Teaching Health Board can be found on their website at
  • SilverCloud Wales offers free online CBT for anyone living in Wales. A wide range of programmes is available including a dedicated focus on “space for perinatal wellbeing”. Find out more and sign up at
  • You can access mental health and support, including from the health board’s perinatal mental health team, by talking to your Powys midwife. You can contact your Powys midwife on 01874 622443

If you have a queries or concerns about your care, you can also contact The Patient Advice & Liaison Service (PALS). Call 01743 261691 for the Royal Shrewsbury Hospital or 01952 282888 for the Princess Royal Hospital. You can also email

When a family experiences baby loss during or soon after pregnancy, support organisations available locally and nationally include:

Specialist Midwives – Bereavement – The Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust
Office Number: 01952 565953 (Mon-Fri 0900-1700 hrs)
Urgent queries via the Delivery Suite (24hrs) 01952 565924

SANDS (Stillbirth and Neonatal Death Society)
Offers support and information for anyone affected by the death of a baby, before or after birth. National helpline, local parent-led support, literature, and online support.
020 7436 7940 (general enquiries)
0808 164 3332 (support)

Child Bereavement UK
When your baby dies.
Helpline: 0800 0288840

Support Group for Dads
Dad Still Standing is an online group created as a way of helping other dads along their journey with grief. To discuss the difficulties you go through in bereavement, both in the immediate aftermath of baby loss and as time moves on.

Lullaby Trust
Bereavement support after the death of a baby or child.
Support: 0808 8026868

Hope House Children’s Hospice
Care for babies, children and young people who have life-threatening conditions and are not expected to live beyond 18 years of age.
01691 671 999

IAPT (Improving Access to Psychological Therapies)
Telford and Wrekin: 01952 457415
Shropshire County: 0300 123 6020

Lily Mae Foundation
Baby loss support service.
01676 535716

Miscarriage Association
01924 200 799

Multiple Births Foundation (MBF)
Provides support and information for multiple birth families (including bereavement support).
07360 735050

Aching Arms (Supporting Arms)
07464 508994

Offers confidential support that is available 24 hours a day to people who need to talk.
116 123 (UK) freephone

Miscarriage, stillbirth, and premature birth charity who offer support following a pregnancy loss.
Support: 0800 014 7800

Twins Trust Bereavement Support Group
Offers support for families who have lost one or more children from a multiple birth pregnancy, birth or at any time.

Winston’s Wish
Offer support to bereaved children, their families, and professionals.
Helpline: 08088 020021

TFMR Mamas
Offering support for families who have experienced a Termination for Medical Reason.

Petals – The Baby Loss Counselling Charity
0300 688 0068

Hugs Charity
HUGS offers a range of services for bereaved parents and their families.

Little Footprints Support Group
A monthly support group for anyone affected by the death of a baby at any stage in pregnancy.
Little Footprints Support Group meet on the 1st Tuesday of every month 7:30-8:30pm at The Green Suite, Festival Drayton Centre, Market Drayton.

Support for those affected by the sudden death in young people:

Love from, George, (Shropshire based)
Supporting bereaved parents and families after losing their precious baby:

Ada’s Foundation (Shropshire based)
To provide empathetic and practical support to families affected by pregnancy loss and the death of a baby, helping them navigate through the challenges of grief and loss:

Saying Goodbye Charity
0300 3231350

For Staff employed by the Trust:

The SaTH Staff Psychology Service is available to support all current staff members who are affected in any way:

  • Staff can self-refer, or ask their manager to do this on their behalf, by emailing: (this inbox is checked daily Monday-Friday)
  • Staff will be contacted by a member of the team to arrange an appointment which could be face to face, on MS Teams or by telephone, to suit the member of staff. Appointments are during working hours Monday-Friday

An alternative confidential service is available through SaTH’s Employee Assistance Provider (HELP).

  • You can contact them by calling 0800 047 8843 or visiting: and  
  • HELP provide confidential, independent and unbiased information and guidance from a team of trained wellbeing and counselling practitioners. They provide support in relation to a range of social, emotional and health problems relating to home or work.

The Ockenden Report Assurance Committee was a committee of the Board of Directors that met monthly to discuss progress with the Ockenden Report Action Plan. These meetings, which have now concluded, were live-streamed in public (via Microsoft Teams).

See below for a list of meetings and the accompanying papers. Thank You.

30 April 2024
Ockenden Report Action Plan
Presentation slides

27 February 2024
Minutes 28 November 2023
Ockenden Report Action Plan
Appendix One – Integrated Maternity Report
Appendix Two – Safety Champions Locally Agreed Dashboard Q3 2023_4
Presentation slides

28 November 2023
Minutes 26 September 2023
Ockenden Report Action Plan
Integrated Maternity Report

26 September 2023
Minutes 25 July 2023
Ockenden Report Action Plan
Ockenden Report Action Plan – Appendix One

25 July 2023
Presentation slides

27 June 2023
Presentation slides

25 April 2023
Presentation slides

28 March 2023
Presentation slides

28 February 2023
Presentation slides

31 January 2023
Presentation slides

22 November 2022
Presentation slides

18 October 2022
Presentation slides

23 August 2022
Presentation slides

19 July 2022
Presentation slides

21 June 2022
Presentation slides

15 March 2022
Presentation slides

15 February 2022
Presentation slides

18 January 2022
Presentation slides

19 October 2021
Presentation slides 1
Presentation slides 2
Presentation slides 3

23 September 2021
Presentation slides

22 July 2021
Presentation slides

24 June 2021
Presentation slides

27 May 2021
Presentation slides

22 April 2021
Presentation slides

25 March 2021
Presentation slides

The Trust Board is committed to openness and transparency, and members of our local communities are welcome to observe meetings of the Board of Directors that are held in public.

For more information of past and future meetings, follow this link: Trust Board Papers – SaTH

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