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Visiting extended for antenatal and postnatal wards
1 June 2021 Visiting will be extended at the antenatal and postnatal wards at the Princess Royal Hospital (PRH) in [...]
Thank you to our volunteers
1 June 2021 Volunteers have played a key part in the NHS’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic and now the [...]
‘Guard of honour’ for COVID-19 patient after 178 days in hospital
28 May 2021 A patient has been applauded off a ward by a ‘guard of honour’ following 178 days in [...]
Fundraising efforts to thank ITU staff in memory of COVID-19 patient
27 May 2021 Two fundraising efforts have been set up to support the Intensive Therapy Unit (ITU) at the Princess [...]
SaTH forms group to promote equality and diversity
26 May 2021 A new group has been formed by the Trust that runs Shropshire’s acute hospital to address inequalities [...]
Ockenden Report Assurance Committee to meet on Thursday
26 May 2021 The next meeting of the Ockenden Report Assurance Committee (ORAC) will take place on Thursday 27 May from [...]
NHS Charities Together donate £220k to Shropshire charities
25 May 2021 NHS Charities Together, the charity founded by Sir Captain Tom Moore, has offered support worth £222,766 for [...]
Join a national outpouring of love to raise money for local NHS heroes
14 May 2021 The charity that supports Shropshire’s two acute hospitals is urging people and businesses in Shropshire, Telford & [...]
Hospitals celebrate ODPs working in theatres
14 May 2021 They play a crucial role behind the closed doors of the theatres. Operating Department Practitioners (ODPs) support [...]
Hospital nursing teams celebrated on International Nurses’ Day
12 May 2021 Nursing teams and the care they provide for patients at SaTH are being celebrated today to mark [...]