Join one of our ‘About Health’ events and meet members of the Hospital Transformation team and key clinical leads to find out more on how the plans have been developed, opportunities for you to get involved and what will happen next.
These events will give you the latest update on the Hospitals Transformation Programme (HTP).
HTP will be central to us developing two thriving hospitals that can deliver better care for everyone, including:
Enhanced urgent care services that will be available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at both sites
A dedicated Emergency Department in Shrewsbury for everyone in Shropshire, Telford, Wrekin and mid Wales, with faster access to medical and surgical specialties
Dedicated facilities in Telford for planned care for everyone in Shropshire, Telford, Wrekin and mid Wales, reducing the number of delays to scheduled appointments and operations and;
Services that are more resilient to future pressures
We held an about About Health Event on the Hospital Transformation Programme on 30th April 2024, a recording of the event can be viewed below
We took two questions away from the meeting, they are posted here along with answers:
Question 1: Will there be any more parking areas for people attending the Lingen Davies unit? I attend via hospital transport and there are often difficulties in getting to the entrance because of the small space for parking.
Answer 1: Under the Hospitals Transformation Programme parking for the Lingen Davies unit will be relocated to the opposite car park. There will be an increase to six spaces along the first row of the car park, which will be clearly marked for service users. Thank you for your feedback on the current available spaces, we will share this with our Estates and Facilities team.
Question 2: Could the park and ride be extended for patients and visitors?
Answer 2: With the continuous growth in traffic on both sites due to various on-going schemes and the increasing number of people, including staff and patients, we have undertaken a thorough review of the current car parking situation. As a result, we are implementing a number of changes to address the challenges associated with limited onsite parking.
Widening the service to patients and visitors has been investigated within the Trust and currently is not an option at present, but we are still considering alternative solutions. We are continuing to prioritise patient parking on site, and the Oxon Park and Ride service for our staff is helping to alleviate the car parking pressures as staff generally occupy a space for longer than patients (typically 8 hours compared to two hours), so reducing staff parking will release up to four times as many spaces.
Some of the reasons why we cannot extend the park and ride scheme to patients/visitors at the moment are:
Insurance cover, if we transport patients and visitors, we have to register with the Traffic commissioner and the local council and this may have wider potential implications for the Trust.
The Trust wish to support patient and visitor parking on both sites.
We held an about About Health Event on the Hospital Transformation Programme on 25th July, a recording of the event can be viewed below
Questions and Answer from the About Health event
Response from the Hospital Transformation Programme Team
1. Will you be publishing the OBC (Outline Business Case)
Any publication of the OBC will be subject to the approval process and requirements of NHSE, DHSC and HMT.
2. How many IP (in patient) beds on both sites will there be
The Trust will have over 700 inpatient beds across both the Princess Royal Hospital and Royal Shrewsbury Hospital sites.
3. When does the planning consultation close
The standard consultation expiry date is Wednesday 6th September 2023. The Trust understands that the planning authority may, at its discretion, consider comments that are made after the closing date (but have no obligation to do so). We would therefore recommend submitting any comments well in advance of this date.