Each year thousands of appointments are missed by patients, which means that others are waiting longer to be seen and it also costs the NHS money.
In April alone, 1,000 patients did not attend blood test appointments at Royal Shrewsbury Hospital, Princess Royal Hospital and the Community Diagnostic Centre in Telford, and Whitchurch Community Hospital.
We understand that there are many reasons why a patient misses an appointment, often for reasons outside of their control, but if you are aware that you are not going to be able to make it, please let us know.
We can then offer the appointment to another patient ensuring they can be seen more quickly.
If you can’t make an appointment for a blood test, please let us know on the Community Booking Line on 01743 492510.
Last Sunday, it was International Day of the Midwife, this Sunday (14 May) is International Nurses’ Day and on Tuesday 14 May it is Operating Department Practitioners’ (ODP) Day. To mark these days, I would like to recognise my incredible colleagues from across the county’s health and social care system who make a difference to our communities every single day.
As a nurse myself, I know the pressures and challenges they face, but also how rewarding the role can be.
You may not be aware that an ODP is the person who will provide skilled care for you or your loved one from the moment you arrive in the operating theatre department to when you leave the recovery room.
Each and every nurse, midwife and ODP plays a vital role in caring for our patients and I would like to thank them for their hard work and commitment.
I would also like to thank the Copthorne Cickers for their support – they are closing the charitable arm of their organisation after raising nearly £60,000 for our Cardiology Department.
We are always so grateful to those that fundraise for our Trust and it is such a lovely story about how the group was formed 32 years ago.
It started off as a social group when in 1992, a group of patients who had spent time together in Royal Shrewsbury Hospital’s (RSH) Coronary Care Ward and Rehabilitation Department all wished to remain in contact and at the same time the British Heart Foundation (BHF) wanted to increase support for heart patients after time in hospital.
It is affiliated to the BHF and since forming the group has raised nearly £60,000 for the RSH Cardiac and Rehabilitation Units.
They have provided multiple donations of vital equipment, which has made a huge difference to the experience of our patients.
The Copthorne Cickers recently made its final donation of £6,000 to The Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust (SaTH) Charity’s Cardiology Department fund with £3,000 to Telford Coronary Ward and £3,000 to the Rehabilitation Unit at Royal Shrewsbury.
We wish them well as they continue with their social group, which is open to anyone who has had a heart problem including their friends and family. The group meets every third Thursday of the month at Crowmoor Baptist Church in Shrewsbury from 2-4pm.
You can find out more about the Copthorne Cickers via their website: https://www.cickers.com/