Shrewsbury and Telford General News and posts

Trust recognises volunteers who ‘celebrate and inspire’

1 June 2023 The Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust (SaTH) will join thousands of charities and voluntary organisations recognising the contribution volunteers make across the UK during Volunteers’ Week (1-7 June). With this year’s theme of ‘Celebrate and Inspire’ SaTH hopes to encourage people to get involved in volunteering in whatever way works for them. The contribution of volunteers [...]

Trust recognises volunteers who ‘celebrate and inspire’2023-07-05T16:33:25+01:00

Multi-faith chaplaincy team is making a difference in acute hospitals

24 May 2023 The Chaplaincy Team at the county’s two acute hospitals are busier than ever, offering vital support to patients, visitors, volunteers and staff. The team at The Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust (SaTH), which runs the Royal Shrewsbury Hospital and Princess Royal Hospital in Telford, has recently grown to nine to include chaplains from different faith backgrounds. [...]

Multi-faith chaplaincy team is making a difference in acute hospitals2023-05-24T10:02:44+01:00

Pilot project to airlift Trust stroke patients to specialist hospital

15 May 2023 A pilot project to airlift patients to a stroke centre for time-critical treatment has been launched at the Princess Royal Hospital (PRH) in Telford.  Since February, five patients have been airlifted from PRH by Midlands Air Ambulance Charity to the hyper acute stroke centre at Royal Stoke University Hospital for a thrombectomy. An air ambulance near [...]

Pilot project to airlift Trust stroke patients to specialist hospital2023-05-15T15:44:16+01:00

Trust celebrates its colleagues for Nurses’ Day

12 May 2023 Colleagues at The Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust (SaTH) are being celebrated today to mark Nurses’ Day. The Trust that runs Shropshire’s two acute hospitals is saying a big thank you to its 2,528 nurses, and will be rewarding their dedication by hosting its first Joint Nursing/Allied Health Professionals (AHP)/Midwifery Conference. Key speakers, treats including beauty [...]

Trust celebrates its colleagues for Nurses’ Day2023-05-12T14:42:15+01:00

Parents take premature baby home after 127 days in hospital

11 May 2023 A Shropshire couple have thanked maternity and neonatal services at The Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust (SaTH) for their care after their baby girl, born 16 weeks early and the same size as her cuddly toy octopus [pictured], was discharged from hospital this week. Kimberley and James Leith, from Horsehay, both work at SaTH and have kept [...]

Parents take premature baby home after 127 days in hospital2023-05-11T15:30:04+01:00

Charity presents Trust eye department with state-of-the-art scanner

5 May 2023 The League of Friends presents the scanner to the Eye Department A charity has presented Royal Shrewsbury Hospital (RSH) Eye Department with a state-of the art widefield retinal scanner worth more than £88,000. The gift from the League of Friends (LoF) of the Royal Shrewsbury Hospital has paid for a ‘Optos California ultra-wide field retinal [...]

Charity presents Trust eye department with state-of-the-art scanner2023-05-05T17:03:04+01:00

Trust’s Maternity Services opens its doors to the public

A maternity services open day will be held by The Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust (SaTH) on Saturday 13 May to allow those who are pregnant, considering parenthood or who have an interest in maternity services to learn more. Taking place from 11am-4pm at the Shropshire Women and Children’s Centre, part of the Princess Royal Hospital in Telford, the [...]

Trust’s Maternity Services opens its doors to the public2023-04-28T12:57:46+01:00

Updating our appointment waiting lists

27 April 2023 We are contacting patients who have been on our waiting lists for over 12 weeks to check whether they still need a hospital outpatient appointment. Patients will be sent a text message which includes a link to a form to complete. The form will ask for the patient’s date of birth and if an appointment is still [...]

Updating our appointment waiting lists2023-04-27T10:30:57+01:00

NHS 111 now first port of call for emergency repeat medication

25 April 2023 A message from our colleagues at NHS Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin NHS 111 is now the first port of call for emergency repeat medication, say health leaders in Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin.  From April 2023, patients who are in immediate need or require emergency repeat medications will need to visit or call 111. This may include [...]

NHS 111 now first port of call for emergency repeat medication2023-04-25T11:39:55+01:00

Trust puts spotlight on work to improve patient care and experience

24 April 2023 The Trust, which runs the county’s two acute hospitals, is putting the spotlight on the work that is taking place across health and social care to keep improving the experiences of care for patients, families, carers and staff. Experience of Care Week runs from today, Monday 24 April, to Friday 28 April and The Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital [...]

Trust puts spotlight on work to improve patient care and experience2023-04-24T16:01:04+01:00