Shrewsbury and Telford General News and posts

Nominate your hospital heroes – Trust Celebratory Awards 2023

In partnership with the Shropshire Star Members of the public are being invited to nominate their hospital heroes as the Trust that runs Shropshire’s acute hospitals gets set for its fantastic annual Trust Celebratory Awards 2023.  The Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust (SaTH), has once again teamed up with the Shropshire Star to give people across Shropshire and mid-Wales [...]

Nominate your hospital heroes – Trust Celebratory Awards 20232023-08-16T11:35:24+01:00

Cavell Star Award for Trust nurse Doreen

27 July 2023   A nurse at one of Shropshire’s acute hospitals has been presented with the Cavell Star Award for the expertise and care she has given to patients over the years. Doreen Bates who has been a nurse for more than 53 years works in general outpatient clinics at Royal Shrewsbury Hospital (RSH), which is part of The [...]

Cavell Star Award for Trust nurse Doreen2023-07-27T11:40:08+01:00

Charities link up in new collaboration to fund Trust radiotherapy software

25 July 2023 Three charities have linked up to fund special software for the radiotherapy department at the Royal Shrewsbury Hospital, which will bring huge benefits for patients. The League of Friends (LoF) of the Royal Shrewsbury Hospital, Lingen Davies Cancer Fund and The Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust Charity (SaTH Charity) have joined together to pay for a [...]

Charities link up in new collaboration to fund Trust radiotherapy software2023-08-01T10:44:14+01:00

Open day for those affected by cancer

21 July 2023 Talks, demonstrations and music will be part of an open day being held in Shrewsbury for those who have been affected by cancer. The Personalised Care Team who support those living with and beyond cancer at The Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust (SaTHLWBC), is encouraging anybody who is affected by cancer to go along to the [...]

Open day for those affected by cancer2023-07-21T14:00:46+01:00

New Swan Suite opens at the Royal Shrewsbury Hospital

19 July 2023 A new Swan Suite for loved ones of patients who are receiving end of life care has been officially opened at the Royal Shrewsbury Hospital (RSH). The Suite on Ward 28 is a quiet, comfortable space for hospital staff to have conversations with those closest to a patient in a private and dignified way. It builds on [...]

New Swan Suite opens at the Royal Shrewsbury Hospital2023-07-19T10:13:44+01:00

End of Life Care Nurse to feature in special BBC series

13 July 2023 An End of Life Care Lead Nurse at The Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust (SaTH) is to feature in a special BBC series of Extraordinary Portraits to mark the 75th birthday of the NHS. Comedian and actor Bill Bailey is presenting the six-part series which pairs up Jules Lewis, from the Trust, and other inspiring NHS [...]

End of Life Care Nurse to feature in special BBC series2023-07-13T15:56:11+01:00

Work progresses on moving renal dialysis services into community

12 July 2022 Work is progressing on moving renal dialysis services from the Princess Royal Hospital in Telford to a new purpose-built facility, which will provide more space for patients and meet future demand. The services will be located in the same building as the planned new Community Diagnostic Centre. Patients and members of the public have been involved in [...]

Work progresses on moving renal dialysis services into community2023-07-12T16:54:27+01:00

Residents in Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin urged to use health and care services wisely ahead of planned industrial action

11 July 2023 A message from our colleagues at NHS Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin Health care leaders across Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin say they expect significant disruption for patients during the latest round of strike action and are urging people to think wisely, use NHS 111 online (if they are unsure on where to go), and only attend an Emergency [...]

Residents in Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin urged to use health and care services wisely ahead of planned industrial action2023-07-11T14:35:52+01:00

PRH patient appointments

11 July 2023 We would like to thank our patients for their co-operation and support this morning following a police incident near the Princess Royal Hospital. Following advice from police we postponed some patient appointments, and we would like to apologise for any inconvenience this may have caused. It is now business as usual, and we will be in touch [...]

PRH patient appointments2023-07-11T12:37:00+01:00

State-of-the-art robotic surgery transforming care for patients

7 July 2023 A new surgical era is under way at The Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust transforming care for patients who will benefit from quicker recoveries and better outcomes. Surgeons have performed their first operations assisted by a state-of-the-art surgical robot. As well as providing patients with high quality care, robotic surgery is helping reduce the length of [...]

State-of-the-art robotic surgery transforming care for patients2023-07-07T14:55:47+01:00