22 February 2023

We are always trying to keep our patients and colleagues safe and one of the ways you can help is by ensuring you wear a face covering when you visit our hospitals. As you are aware we look after the most vulnerable in our communities and we have to do all that we can to protect them. Could I remind [...]

22 February 20232023-02-23T13:32:37+00:00

15 February 2023

We are always looking at ways to improve the care that we provide to our communities and we have now created a dedicated medical floor at Royal Shrewsbury Hospital. This includes a new medical assessment area where patients will be able to receive a diagnosis, observation, consultation, treatment and rehabilitation services, reducing the need for hospital admission. The acute medical [...]

15 February 20232023-02-16T11:32:52+00:00

8 February 2023

This week we are shining the spotlight on our apprentices during National Apprentice Week and raising awareness about the crucial part they play in our workforce. There are a wide variety of apprenticeship opportunities not only at our Trust but within the NHS and we will be doing all we can to share the news that they are a fantastic [...]

8 February 20232023-02-09T10:03:37+00:00

1 February 2023

Congratulations to our latest cohort of international recruits for passing their exams, which means they can practise as qualified nurses.  All eight nurses from cohort one of the latest international recruitment project, passed their Objective Structured Clinical Exam (OSCE) and we are very proud to welcome them to work at the Trust. Currently, we have over 500 international recruits that [...]

1 February 20232023-02-01T10:49:13+00:00

25 January 2023

More than 100 members of our community joined an About Health event where they found out the latest on the Hospitals Transformation Programme (HTP) and what this means for our services. Thank you to everyone who joined last night’s (Tuesday 24 January) livestream and to those who submitted their questions in advance of the session. It’s really important that we [...]

25 January 20232023-01-25T11:23:56+00:00

18 January 2023

I would like to reassure you that we along with our health and social care partners are doing all we can to keep disruption to a minimum as today and tomorrow sees strike action by nurses and the ambulance service next Monday. Nurses at our hospitals will not be taking part in the action by the Royal College of Nursing [...]

18 January 20232023-01-18T09:13:45+00:00

11 January 2023

Ambulance strike action is due to take place today and we along with our partners in the health and social care system are working hard to keep our community and patients at our hospitals safe while delivering the best possible care. If you have an appointment please attend as planned unless we contact you to reschedule. Key services will carry [...]

11 January 20232023-01-11T17:37:27+00:00

4 January 2023

Health and care services have been under extreme pressure over the Christmas and New Year period and there appears to be no easing of the situation. The pressures across the health and social care system include demand for urgent and emergency care. We have seen rising numbers of COVID and flu cases in our hospitals and the community, which has [...]

4 January 20232023-01-04T11:07:23+00:00

21 December 2022

Christmas is nearly here and this is the time of year that we spend more time socialising with friends and family and being out and about. We have seen an increase in the number of COVID-19 and flu cases and that is why I would like to remind you to please wear a face covering at all times if you [...]

21 December 20222022-12-22T11:10:46+00:00

14 December 2022

There has been an extremely high demand across our health services due to the rising numbers of patients presenting with flu and COVID-19, and also parents of young children contacting NHS services about scarlet fever. Scarlet fever, or ‘Strep A’, is caused by bacteria called group A streptococci (strep), and most infections are mild and easily treated but are very [...]

14 December 20222022-12-20T15:34:32+00:00