17 May 2023

We are always looking at new ways to work with our partners to improve care for our patients and a new pilot project to airlift patients to a specialist stroke centre for time-critical treatment is one such scheme. Since February, five patients have been airlifted from Princess Royal Hospital in Telford by Midlands Air Ambulance Charity to the hyper acute [...]

17 May 20232023-05-17T10:50:48+01:00

3 May 2023

We are always encouraging our colleagues and communities to stay active, mobile and healthy and we have been involved in the Re-conditioning Games, a national initiative, as part of that. It has been shown that patients are coming into hospital much frailer than they previously would have been as a result of COVID-19 and lockdowns. By keeping mobile, it has [...]

3 May 20232023-05-03T09:46:09+01:00

26 April 2023

The month of May will see us celebrating the Coronation and three bank holidays and we are urging people to be prepared by planning repeat prescriptions and ‘Think which service?’ they need should they require medical help. Every bank holiday, NHS 111 sees an increase in people contacting the service having run out of essential medication and needing an urgent [...]

26 April 20232023-04-26T10:03:00+01:00

19 April 2023

We are incredibly lucky to have volunteers and charities who work tirelessly to raise funds for our hospitals, and this week a special mention goes to one charity which has donated more than £300,000 worth of vital equipment to our Trust. The League of Friends (LoF) of the Royal Shrewsbury Hospital (RSH) has gifted equipment, ranging from smaller pieces costing [...]

19 April 20232023-04-19T10:14:02+01:00

5 April 2023

We are encouraging our communities to ‘Think which service?’ they need for their health needs as Easter approaches and is followed by the junior doctors’ strike. Our emergency departments (ED) are extremely busy but more so during bank holidays as we have more visitors come along to our lovely county to see tourist attractions or dropping in on family and [...]

5 April 20232023-04-05T10:55:33+01:00

29 March 2023

With Easter fast approaching, please make sure that you order any of your repeat prescriptions in good time for the bank holiday weekend. Some pharmacies and GP practices are closed over the bank holiday weekend, so we would remind you to check whether you have your required supply of prescribed medication, saving yourself the worry of possibly not getting what [...]

29 March 20232023-03-29T12:24:47+01:00

22 March 2023

Bowel cancer is the fourth most common cancer in the UK and detecting it at the earliest stage makes you up to nine times more likely to be successfully treated. We are encouraging people, as part of the NHS ‘Help Us, Help You’ campaign, to complete the test if they have been sent an NHS bowel cancer screening kit. Figures [...]

22 March 20232023-03-22T10:17:07+00:00

15 March 2023

This week, we are recognising those who work behind the scenes to ensure that our patients get the best possible, often life-saving care they need. It is National Healthcare Science Week and we are acknowledging the incredible work of our healthcare scientists who play a crucial role in patient care, diagnosis and treatment. We have more than 300 healthcare science [...]

15 March 20232023-03-15T13:36:43+00:00

8 March 2023

During National Careers Week (6-12 March) we have been shining the spotlight on our wide-ranging career opportunities to encourage local talent to join us and follow a rewarding pathway. The Trust is one of the county’s biggest employers with over 7,000 people and there are more than 350 different clinical and non-clinical careers to choose from within the NHS. National [...]

8 March 20232023-03-08T11:11:45+00:00

1 March 2023

Within our Trust, one of our priorities is developing our colleagues with the aim of providing the best possible care to our patients and it is rewarding when that work is recognised. Sisters Sue Collinson, Linda Marsh and Ros Burrell from the Heart Failure Nurses/Cardiac Rehabilitation Team at Royal Shrewsbury Hospital (RSH) have won a national ‘You’re Simply Marvellous’ award [...]

1 March 20232023-03-01T13:54:32+00:00