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So far Emily Lovell has created 191 blog entries.

Visiting to be re-introduced at Trust hospitals

29 April 2022 In-patient visiting is to be re-introduced at the Royal Shrewsbury and Princess Royal Hospitals from Tuesday 3 May, after it was previously suspended in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Visitors will be asked to continue to help restrict the spread of the virus by following some key requirements, including wearing face masks and observing social distancing when [...]

Visiting to be re-introduced at Trust hospitals2022-04-29T11:58:44+01:00

Temporary closure of the children’s eye-care service

28 April 2022 A joint statement from the Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust and Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin Clinical Commissioning Group: “Due to staffing issues, the very difficult decision has been taken to temporarily close the Paediatric Ophthalmology service at the Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust (SaTH) to new patients until further notice. “The paediatric ophthalmology service cares [...]

Temporary closure of the children’s eye-care service2022-04-28T14:14:52+01:00

Share your views on the Shrewsbury Health and Wellbeing Hub

A press release from NHS Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG): 27 April 2022 The NHS in Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin is calling on local communities to share their views on a brand-new, state-of-the-art health and wellbeing hub in Shrewsbury. The health and wellbeing hub would bring a new approach to providing local health and wellbeing services that [...]

Share your views on the Shrewsbury Health and Wellbeing Hub2022-04-27T14:39:02+01:00

27 April 2022

We strive to support our patients and their loved ones in the best ways that we can at our Trust and we have been working hard on reviewing our guidance on visiting after a recent change by the NHS. With any changes we make we have to balance the importance of allowing visiting for our patients against a number of [...]

27 April 20222022-04-27T14:22:45+01:00

20 April 2022

As some of you may have seen already, our Chief Executive, Louise Barnett, last week published an Open Letter to our communities in response to the recently published final report of Donna Ockenden’s Independent Review of Maternity Services at our hospitals. The letter, which can be seen in full at our website (www.sath.nhs.uk), sets out again how truly sorry we [...]

20 April 20222022-04-26T15:14:18+01:00

Share your experience of local eye-care

20 April 2022 The health and care system in Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin is working together to transform local eye-care and wants to hear about people’s experiences of using the current services. The aim is to provide effective eye-care services that are more joined-up so that adults and children get the best care possible when and where they need it. [...]

Share your experience of local eye-care2022-04-20T17:04:11+01:00

Trust team to scale Scafell Pike to raise funds

20 April 2022 A team from the Ophthalmology department at The Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust (SaTH) is taking on Scafell Pike – England’s highest mountain – as part of the Three Peaks Challenge to raise money. Doctors, nurses, nurse injectors, optometrists, secretaries and administrative staff from SaTH, which runs the Royal Shrewsbury Hospital (RSH) and the Princess Royal [...]

Trust team to scale Scafell Pike to raise funds2022-04-26T16:46:24+01:00

Open letter to everyone served by The Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust

14 April 2022 Below is an open letter from Chief Executive, Louise Barnett. This letter can also be read here. An open letter to everyone served by The Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust On Wednesday 30 March 2022, Mrs Donna Ockenden published her final report of the Independent Review of Maternity Services at our hospitals. The report is devastating [...]

Open letter to everyone served by The Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust2022-04-14T17:12:00+01:00

13 April 2022

This week, a special mention should be given to members of our Medical Retina team who will be aiming high when they take on Scafell Pike – England’s highest mountain – as part of a Three Peaks Challenge. A team of doctors, nurses, nurse injectors, optometrists, secretaries and administrative staff will be climbing Scafell Pike, which is a massive 978 [...]

13 April 20222022-04-13T09:54:48+01:00

30 March 2022

Patients and carers are crucial to help us shape the care we provide to our communities in the future and we are looking for those who have used our services to become part of speciality groups at our Trust. This is an exciting opportunity for them to give their valuable insight and perspective as part of the Speciality Patient Experience [...]

30 March 20222022-03-30T15:39:01+01:00