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So far Lisa Bailey has created 218 blog entries.

17 May 2023

We are always looking at new ways to work with our partners to improve care for our patients and a new pilot project to airlift patients to a specialist stroke centre for time-critical treatment is one such scheme. Since February, five patients have been airlifted from Princess Royal Hospital in Telford by Midlands Air Ambulance Charity to the hyper acute [...]

17 May 20232023-05-17T10:50:48+01:00

Pilot project to airlift Trust stroke patients to specialist hospital

15 May 2023 A pilot project to airlift patients to a stroke centre for time-critical treatment has been launched at the Princess Royal Hospital (PRH) in Telford.  Since February, five patients have been airlifted from PRH by Midlands Air Ambulance Charity to the hyper acute stroke centre at Royal Stoke University Hospital for a thrombectomy. An air ambulance near [...]

Pilot project to airlift Trust stroke patients to specialist hospital2023-05-15T15:44:16+01:00

Trust celebrates its colleagues for Nurses’ Day

12 May 2023 Colleagues at The Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust (SaTH) are being celebrated today to mark Nurses’ Day. The Trust that runs Shropshire’s two acute hospitals is saying a big thank you to its 2,528 nurses, and will be rewarding their dedication by hosting its first Joint Nursing/Allied Health Professionals (AHP)/Midwifery Conference. Key speakers, treats including beauty [...]

Trust celebrates its colleagues for Nurses’ Day2023-05-12T14:42:15+01:00

Charity presents Trust eye department with state-of-the-art scanner

5 May 2023 The League of Friends presents the scanner to the Eye Department A charity has presented Royal Shrewsbury Hospital (RSH) Eye Department with a state-of the art widefield retinal scanner worth more than £88,000. The gift from the League of Friends (LoF) of the Royal Shrewsbury Hospital has paid for a ‘Optos California ultra-wide field retinal [...]

Charity presents Trust eye department with state-of-the-art scanner2023-05-05T17:03:04+01:00

3 May 2023

We are always encouraging our colleagues and communities to stay active, mobile and healthy and we have been involved in the Re-conditioning Games, a national initiative, as part of that. It has been shown that patients are coming into hospital much frailer than they previously would have been as a result of COVID-19 and lockdowns. By keeping mobile, it has [...]

3 May 20232023-05-03T09:46:09+01:00

26 April 2023

The month of May will see us celebrating the Coronation and three bank holidays and we are urging people to be prepared by planning repeat prescriptions and ‘Think which service?’ they need should they require medical help. Every bank holiday, NHS 111 sees an increase in people contacting the service having run out of essential medication and needing an urgent [...]

26 April 20232023-04-26T10:03:00+01:00

Trust puts spotlight on work to improve patient care and experience

24 April 2023 The Trust, which runs the county’s two acute hospitals, is putting the spotlight on the work that is taking place across health and social care to keep improving the experiences of care for patients, families, carers and staff. Experience of Care Week runs from today, Monday 24 April, to Friday 28 April and The Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital [...]

Trust puts spotlight on work to improve patient care and experience2023-04-24T16:01:04+01:00

Charity donates more than £300,000 worth of equipment to Trust

18 April 2023 A charity has donated more than £300,000 worth of vital equipment to The Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust (SaTH), which runs the county’s two acute hospitals. The League of Friends (LoF) of the Royal Shrewsbury Hospital has gifted equipment, including eight Intensive Therapy Unit ventilators; a widefield analyser for Ophthalmology and funds towards the new Cataract [...]

Charity donates more than £300,000 worth of equipment to Trust2023-04-19T16:12:45+01:00

19 April 2023

We are incredibly lucky to have volunteers and charities who work tirelessly to raise funds for our hospitals, and this week a special mention goes to one charity which has donated more than £300,000 worth of vital equipment to our Trust. The League of Friends (LoF) of the Royal Shrewsbury Hospital (RSH) has gifted equipment, ranging from smaller pieces costing [...]

19 April 20232023-04-19T10:14:02+01:00

Mr Motivator helps get staff and patients active at hospital

17 April 2023 Mr Motivator runs through some exercises with patient Amelia Callaghan Mr Motivator helped staff and patients to get active when he paid a visit to Princess Royal Hospital in Telford. The TV workout star, aka Derrick Errol Evans, chatted to staff and patients about the benefits of activity at the hospital, which is run by [...]

Mr Motivator helps get staff and patients active at hospital2023-04-17T13:49:14+01:00