About Lisa Bailey

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So far Lisa Bailey has created 218 blog entries.

Could you be a supplier to your local NHS?

7 July 2023 Potential suppliers are being invited to find out information about doing business with their local NHS in Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin. Shropshire Healthcare Procurement Service, the procurement arm of the NHS in the county, is holding a ‘Meet the buyer – do business with the NHS’ event on Friday 14 July, at The Croud Meadow Stadium, Shrewsbury [...]

Could you be a supplier to your local NHS?2023-07-07T12:56:36+01:00

Construction of £24 million planned care hub at Princess Royal Hospital is progressing well

30 June 2023 Construction is well underway for a new £24 million planned care hub, which will provide more theatres and recovery areas as part of plans to transform patient care at Princess Royal Hospital (PRH) in Telford. The new hub will provide day case surgery for patients across Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin and mid Wales, supporting communities to receive [...]

Construction of £24 million planned care hub at Princess Royal Hospital is progressing well2023-06-30T13:35:31+01:00

28 June 2023

Creating a better experience for our patients is one of our key priorities, and securing funding for an ambulance hub and to increase the size of the Discharge Lounge at Princess Royal Hospital in Telford is supporting us to do this.  Our Trust secured £1.2 million to create the freestanding ambulance hub, which opened in April, providing eight spaces to [...]

28 June 20232023-06-28T15:20:53+01:00

Ambulance hub in operation at county acute hospital

27 June 2023 A freestanding ambulance hub is in operation at Princess Royal Hospital (PRH) in Telford to provide a better experience for patients. The Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust (SaTH), which runs PRH, secured £1.2 million to create the ambulance hub. This freestanding building adjacent to the Emergency Department opened in April 2023, providing eight spaces, which enables [...]

Ambulance hub in operation at county acute hospital2023-06-27T12:24:20+01:00

What can we tell you About Health?

27 June An update on waiting list recovery following the pandemic, a conversation with retired nurses from One Voice, the Windrush Caribbean Community in Shropshire, Telford & Wrekin as part of our Windrush and NHS 75 celebrations, as well as the Hospitals Transformation Programme are some of the topics included in our 'About Health' events. The Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital [...]

What can we tell you About Health?2023-06-27T12:08:47+01:00

21 June 2023

High temperatures have continued this week and are set to carry on into the weekend. I would like to remind you and those that you care for to follow the guidance. We have seen an increase at our hospitals in the number of people, particularly the elderly, attending our Emergency Departments (ED) due to dehydration. Our advice during this hot [...]

21 June 20232023-06-21T09:39:04+01:00

14 June 2023

Today sees the start of the junior doctors’ strike and we would like to reassure you that we, alongside our partners, are working together to lessen the impact on our communities. It is important that patients who need urgent medical care continue to come forward as normal, particularly in genuine life-threatening emergencies – for example chest pains, severe bleeding or [...]

14 June 20232023-06-15T16:53:03+01:00

31 May 2023

Tomorrow marks the start of Volunteers’ Week and I would like to thank volunteers for all they do across our Trust and other organisations. Volunteers play such a crucial role and the theme for this year’s Volunteers’ Week (1-7 June) is ‘Celebrate and Inspire’, which they do on a daily basis. The contribution of volunteers is often unseen, visible only [...]

31 May 20232023-06-01T10:55:34+01:00

Trust recognises volunteers who ‘celebrate and inspire’

1 June 2023 The Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust (SaTH) will join thousands of charities and voluntary organisations recognising the contribution volunteers make across the UK during Volunteers’ Week (1-7 June). With this year’s theme of ‘Celebrate and Inspire’ SaTH hopes to encourage people to get involved in volunteering in whatever way works for them. The contribution of volunteers [...]

Trust recognises volunteers who ‘celebrate and inspire’2023-07-05T16:33:25+01:00

24 May 2023

The bank holiday weekend will soon be upon us and we are urging people to ‘Think which service?’ they need should they require medical help. Our Emergency Departments (EDs) are extremely busy but especially during bank holidays, so it is important to know which local health service to use and when. It will ensure that you will get the right [...]

24 May 20232023-05-24T09:59:29+01:00