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So far Lisa Bailey has created 218 blog entries.

6 December 2023

The county’s first Community Diagnostic Centre (CDC) in Telford is already making a huge difference for our patients, and this week a fantastic new MRI scanner worth nearly £1.4 million was welcomed.  The state-of-the-art scanner, which can be used to examine almost any part of the body, was lifted into place at Hollinswood House, Stafford Park, and will provide fast and [...]

6 December 20232023-12-06T17:00:32+00:00

Trust nurse’s special honour to meet King

30 November 2023 A Senior Charge Nurse at the Trust, which runs the county’s acute hospitals, said it was an honour to attend a Buckingham Palace reception hosted by the King.  Jan Bacani, a Senior Charge Nurse for Critical Care at Princess Royal Hospital in Telford was nominated to represent the Midlands region at the celebration. More than 400 international [...]

Trust nurse’s special honour to meet King2023-11-30T12:27:43+00:00

29 November 2023

This week we have seen renal dialysis services move from the Princess Royal Hospital (PRH) to a new community-based unit, which will provide better facilities and a more spacious environment for our patients. We have worked with our renal patients, carers and the public to shape the future of renal dialysis services and they are now in the same building [...]

29 November 20232023-11-29T14:08:35+00:00

Trust seeks new Associate Non-Executive Directors

27 November  Would you like to help lead the Trust, which runs the county’s two acute hospitals? The Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust (SaTH) is seeking two Associate Non-Executive Directors (ANED) to strengthen its Board. This is a fantastic opportunity for two senior people to share their talents and expertise to make a positive difference to the lives of [...]

Trust seeks new Associate Non-Executive Directors2023-11-27T14:29:17+00:00

Learning and development at Trust celebrated as new centre opens

22 November 2023 The Trust, which runs the county’s two acute hospitals, has been recognising learners and newly qualified nurses at a special celebration. A Learning and Development Celebration was held as part of The Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust’s (SaTH) Recognition Week and more than 200 members of staff were recognised for their fantastic achievements over the last [...]

Learning and development at Trust celebrated as new centre opens2023-11-22T11:51:33+00:00

22 November 2023

Our Annual Trust Celebratory Awards were so exciting and it was a great honour to present some of the awards to the wonderful winners. We had more than double the number of nominations this year for the 19 categories and it was fantastic to recognise the fantastic contribution they make to the Trust and our communities. The Shropshire Star Public [...]

22 November 20232023-11-22T11:23:15+00:00

Father rides 1967 moped 230 miles across Wales to raise money for SaTH Charity

20 November A father raised nearly £3,000 for a ward at Royal Shrewsbury Hospital (RSH) by riding his 1967 50cc moped for 230 miles across the 10 highest roads in Wales. Ian Mair was inspired to embark on this challenge for the Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust (SaTH) Charity and raise money for Ward 23 (Haematology) at RSH after [...]

Father rides 1967 moped 230 miles across Wales to raise money for SaTH Charity2023-11-20T15:54:16+00:00

Hospital staff recognised at Trust Awards

17 November 2023 The winner of this year’s Shropshire Star Public Recognition Award has been announced as part of a virtual award ceremony for the Trust which runs the county’s two acute hospitals. Ward 22 Short Stay at Royal Shrewsbury Hospital were crowned the winners in the only category that patients, families and members of the public can nominate and [...]

Hospital staff recognised at Trust Awards2023-11-17T11:17:26+00:00

New system to improve care for radiotherapy patients at Trust

16 November 2023 The Trust which runs the county’s acute hospitals is the first in the country to get a state-of-the-art radiotherapy training system, bringing huge benefits for patients and staff. The new system has been installed at the Royal Shrewsbury Hospital (RSH) which is run by The Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust (SaTH), and provides an ‘exceptional level [...]

New system to improve care for radiotherapy patients at Trust2023-11-20T13:17:29+00:00

15 November 2023

It is National Self-Care Week and we can all make small changes to improve our health and wellbeing. Self-Care Week is a national annual event that raises awareness of what we can all do to help our physical health and mental wellbeing. This year, Self-Care Week runs until Sunday 19 November 2023 and the theme is ‘Mind and Body’. At [...]

15 November 20232023-11-15T12:33:42+00:00