Trust Board Papers

The Trust Board is committed to openness and transparency, and members of our local communities are welcome to observe meetings of the Board of Directors that are held in public.

Please read the important information here on how to observe our Board meetings in public, noting in particular the advance registration requirement for seating, due to space restrictions.

We encourage people to engage with the Trust via written questions arising directly from the papers presented to each Board meeting, which can be submitted via the Trust’s website following each meeting. Please click here for details on how to submit a question for the Board.

There may also be a requirement to hold a private meeting of the Board on the same day, when the Board of Directors will need to consider confidential agenda items that cannot be disclosed in the public domain. In these situations, the meeting will be held privately (in accordance with section 1(2) of Public Bodies Admission to Meetings Act 1960).

2024 Papers

00 2024.07.11 PUBLIC BoD Agenda
091.24 Patient Story
094.24 2024.05.09 PUBLIC Minutes – Final Draft
095.24 BoD PUBLIC Action Log
099.24 ARAC Report May 2024
100.24a QSAC Chair’s Report May 2024
100.24b QSAC Chair’s Report June 2024
101.24a FPAC Chair’s Report May 2024
101.24b FPAC Chair’s Report June 2024
102.24 PODAC Chair’s Report June 2024
103.24 Integrated Performance Report
104.24 Getting to Good Progress Report
105.24 GoSW Report Q4 2023-24
106.24 Report from Director of IPC Q4 2023-24
107.24 Bi-Annual Nurse Staffing Review
108.24 How we learn from deaths Q4 and Annual Report 2023-24
109.24 FTSU Q4 and Annual Report 2023-24
111.24 Integrated Maternity Report
112.24 Incident Overview Report
113.24 Formal Review of Winter Plan 2023-24
114.24 June Board Walks Summary Report

Supplementary Information

00 2024.07.11 Public Info Pack Cover Sheet
01 IPC Annual Report 2023-24
02 107.24 Appendices 1-3 Bi Annual Nurse Staffing Review
03 108.24 Appendices A&B How we learn from deaths report
04 111.24 Appendix 1 Ockenden Report Action Plan
04 111.24 Appendix 2 CNST MIS Year 6 Progress Report May 2024
04 111.24 Appendix 3a PMRT Quarterly report Q4 2023 24
04 111.24 Appendix 3b Q4 PMRT Board Report
04 111.24 Appendix 4 TC Report Q4 2023 24
04 111.24 Appendix 5 ATAIN Report Q4 2023-24
04 111.24 Appendix 6 Birthrate Plus Workforce Assessment
04 111.24 Appendix 7 Budgets Versus BR+ Report
04 111.24 Appendix 8 Maternity 6-monthly Safe Staffing Report Q3 and 4 2023 24
04 111.24 Appendix 9 Safety Intelligence Locally Agreed Dashboard Q4 2023 24

2023 Papers

2022 Papers

2021 Papers

2020 Papers

2019 Papers

2018 Papers

2017 Papers

2016 Papers

A meeting of the Trust Board of the Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust (SaTH) is taking place on 25 February 2016. As there is no public business to be transacted, the Board has resolved that representatives of the press and other members of the public be excluded from this meeting having regard to the confidential nature of the business to be transacted, publicity on which would be prejudicial to the public interest (section 1(2) Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960.