Our Trust Board Members


The Chair of a Trust Board is a non-executive appointment, accountable to the Secretary of State for Health for giving leadership to the Board and ensuring that it fulfils its full responsibilities. The Chair ensures that the Board:

  • provides efficient and effective healthcare
  • maintains financial viability
  • meets legal and contractual obligations.

The Chair of The Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust (SaTH) is Andrew Morgan. Andrew is Chair in Common of SaTH and Shropshire Community Health NHS Trust (SCHT).

Non-Executive Directors

Every NHS Trust Board must have a majority of lay people on the Board, including the Chairman and Non-Executive Directors. They are appointed from the local community served by the Trust, and their responsibilities include:

  • helping the board to work in the public interest and keep its patients and the public properly informed
  • helping to plan for the future to improve healthcare services
  • making sure that the management team meets its performance targets
  • making sure that the finances of the organisation are managed properly, with accurate information.

Each Non-Executive Director also brings individual skills and personal experience of their community and the NHS to guide the work of the Trust.

The Non-Executive Directors of The Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust are:

  • Prof Trevor Purt (Vice Chair)
  • Teresa Boughey
  • Raj Dhaliwal
  • Rosi Edwards
  • Richard Miner
  • Sarah Dunnett
  • Wendy Nicholson MBE 
  • Simon Crowther (Associate) 

Executive Directors

The Executive Directors are experts led by a Chief Executive. Each Executive has their own clinical/functional responsibilities (e.g. medical, finance) as well as being a corporate member of the Board

The Chief Executive of the Trust is Jo Williams.

The Executive Directors of the Trust Board are:

  • Dr John Jones – Medical Director
  • Paula Gardner – Interim Chief Nursing Officer
  • Helen Troalen – Finance Director
  • Ned Hobbs – Chief Operating Officer

Other Directors

  • Rhia Boyode – Chief People Officer
  • Anna Milanec – Director of Governance/Company Secretary
  • Nigel Lee – Director of Strategy & Partnerships
  • Inese Robotham – Assistant Chief Executive

Useful Documents

Responsibilities of the Trust Board and how we are regulated

A statement about the balance, completeness and appropriateness of the Board of Directors – 14 March 2024

The Board currently comprises the Trust Chair, Chief Executive, four other Executive Directors and six other Non-Executive Directors.  In addition, the Board has four non-voting other directors, and two Associate Non-Executive Directors (since February 2024).

The Board of Directors believes that the Trust is led by an effective Board, as the Board is collectively responsible for the exercise of the performance of the Trust. And, that no individual group or individuals dominate the meetings of the Board.

There is a clear separation of the roles of the Chairman and the Chief Executive.  The Trust Chair has responsibility for the running of the Board, setting the agenda and for ensuring that all directors are fully informed of matters relevant to their roles. The Chief Executive has responsibility for implementing the strategies agreed by the Board and for managing the day-to-day business of the Trust.

The Board considers that the Non-Executive Directors bring a wide range of business, commercial, financial and clinical knowledge required for the successful direction of the Trust. All of the Non-Executive Directors are considered to be independent in accordance with the Code of governance for NHS provider trusts.

All directors are subject to an annual review of their performance and contribution to the management and leadership of the Trust.

Diversity is a vital part of the continued assessment and enhancement of board composition, and the Board recognises the benefits of diversity amongst its members.

At the present time, the Board is satisfied as to its balance, completeness and appropriateness and will keep these matters under review, in conjunction with NHS England who are responsible for appointing chairs and other non-executive directors of NHS Trusts.