NHS Rainbow Badges

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We have a duty to demonstrate a positive message of inclusion, as nobody should be afraid to be themselves. It is important that we are non-judgemental and inclusive to support patients, their families and staff to improve their experience within SaTH.

NHS rainbow badges are a national initiative which originated in Evelina London Children’s Hospital to make a positive difference. LGBT+ represents lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender with the + representing inclusivity of all identities regardless of how a person defines themselves.

Research undertaken by the LGBT+ charity Stonewall reported that one in seven LGBT+ people said they have avoided healthcare treatment for fear of discrimination, and one in four have witnessed negative comments being made about LGBT+ people by healthcare staff.

The NHS rainbow badges have been introduced within the Trust to increase awareness and help to improve the experience of healthcare for LGBT+ people, supporting both their physical and mental health.

Staff who have chosen to wear the rainbow badge have pledged to support inclusivity and can be approached with concerns or for support. They may not know all of the answers but they will listen to you, treat you with respect and do their best to get support for you if you need it.

Wearing the badge is a visible way of staff demonstrating a commitment to reducing barriers and inequalities thereby improving the care we provide.

We seek to ensure that all patients feel treated with dignity and respect. If you are a trans man or trans woman and are worried about visiting a clinic appointment you can contact us to arrange an appointment at the beginning or end of a clinic if you prefer. Please contact the Booking Office on:

Princess Royal Hospital, Telford:  01952 282810
Royal Shrewsbury Hospital:  01743 261044

Additional Rescources

Children and Young People

  • Mermaids provides support for LGBT+ young people aged 19 and under.
  • Young Stonewall is a charity which provides resources to support young LGBT+ people. The site includes a range of information including FAQ’s and support for young people who are thinking of coming out.
  • Gendered Intelligence provides support for young trans people across the UK. They have a range of information available to help inform young trans people in making informed decisions.
  • XYZ Club is a Shropshire group who provide support for LGBT+ children and young people.
  • The Proud Trust provides support to LGBT+ young people to help them empower themselves and for organisations working with LGBT+ youth communities.

Guidance for Parents, Family and Friends

  • Gendered Intelligence provides support for young trans people across the UK.
  • Stonewall is a charity which provides resources to support young LGBT+ people and their parents. The site includes advice and guidance for parents and signposting to services which are available locally.
  • Mermaids provides support for young LGBT+ people, their parents and families.
  • LGBT Shrewsbury is a local LGBT site which provides signposting for local information


  • Stonewall is a national charity which provides information, resources and support for LGBT+ people
  • SAND is a Shropshire group who campaign for the rights of old and older LGBT+ people. The sand covenant provides signposting to local organisations who have made commitments to providing the best possible care and services for old and older LGBT+ people
  • LGBT+ Telford can be found on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or by emailing telfordlgbt@virginmedia.com
  • LGBT Shrewsbury is a local LGBT site which provides signposting for local information

Victim Support

  • GALOP is a community safety charity providing support for LGBT+ people who have experienced hate crime, sexual violence or domestic abuse:
  • Victim Support is a national charity which helps people affected by crime.
  • Stop Hate UK offer information, advice and support for anybody affected by hate crime.

Specialist Help

  • Stonewall Housing provides support and advice for LGBT+ people to help find safe and secure homes.
  • GIRES have developed a guide to support BAME Trans people, providing tips, guidance and resources.
  • Mind OUT are an LGBT+ mental health service run by and for LGBT+ people. They have a free instant message service to provide a confidential, anonymous safe space to share how you feel. They can provide advocacy, online support and information and are open most evenings and weekends.
  • Marie Curie provide information for members of the LGBT+ community and healthcare professionals on LGBT+ concerns and planning for the future.
  • Switchboard is an LGBT+ helpline that is available between 10am and 10pm every day to support LGBT+ people, and people important to them.
  • Deaf Rainbow UK provide a range of health and support for deaf members of the LGBT+ community.

Health Information

Invitations to take part in national screening programmes are generated through registrations with your GP. If you are a trans  man or non-binary person who was assigned female at birth and you are registered with your GP as male, you may not receive an invitation for breast or cervical screening. Similarly, if you are a trans woman or non-binary person who was assigned male at birth and are registered with your GP as female, you may not receive an invitation for abdominal aortic aneurism screening. Speak to your GP to opt in to the screening programmes.

More information is available here.

Cervical Screening:

The LGBT Foundation: Cervical Screening Information
The LGBT Foundation: Guide to Cervical Screening

Breast Care:

The LGBT Foundation: Thanks for the Mammaries”

Prostate Cancer Tests and Treatment:

Information Leaflet

Further sources of support within SaTH

  • SaTH Equality, Diversity & Inclusion – sath.edi@nhs.net
  • Lead for Patient Experience (for patients) 01743 261000 ext 3032 or email patientexperience@nhs.net
  • Freedom to Speak Up Guardians (for staff) 07773976980 or email ftsu@nhs.net
  • The Trust’s Patient Advice and Liaison Service (for patients) is also able to assist patient and service users on LGBT+ issues on 01743 261000 ext 1691.