Public Assurance Forum

In October 2021 our Trust Board approved our five-year Public Participation Plan, which outlines how we plan to develop and strengthen our links and involvement of our local communities. A key action from the Plan was to develop a Public Assurance Forum (PAF).

The aim of the Public Assurance Forum is to bring a public and community perspective to, and scrutiny of processes, decision making and wider work at The Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust. The Public Assurance Forum is an advisory group who are there to ensure that decisions about services and the delivery of care are developed in partnership with our local communities. The Forum will provide constructive challenge and scrutiny of decisions from a patient and public perspective.

Membership to PAF is by invitation and we have a wide range of community and statutory sector organisations as members as well as representation from SaTH’s Divisional Leadership Team. PAF is chaired by Trevor Purt (Non-Executive Director) and co-chaired by Councillor Joy Jones (Montgomery Health Forum).

All external members are attending on behalf of/ and representing an organisation, there are no individual public members on the Forum. For individuals who have a question for the Forum, we ask that they contact the relevant public Organisation. Organisations who are members of PAF can be found on our Terms of Reference.

PAF is held quarterly, and a summary of key points are highlighted in the Quarterly Public Participation Report which is submitted to Trust Board.

Following feedback from a PAF meeting, all papers taken to PAF are now available below. Please note that Paper will be made available on our website once they have been approved at PAF.