Medical Revalidation

Administrative staff member talking with a Consultant.

Revalidation is the process by which licensed doctors will regularly demonstrate to the GMC that they are up to date and fit to practise. This requires annual appraisals and a set of quality criteria within those appraisals. In doing so it aims to deliver further assurance to patients about the doctors who treat them.

Revalidation was introduced by the GMC in late 2012 intending to commit to the way in which doctors are regulated in the UK.

Updating your GMC Account

When starting at SATH whether Trust locum, fixed term or permanent you need to ensure that your GMC online account is up to date with the appropriate designated body and responsible officer assigned to your account. For more information, please view our help document about registering your responsible officer.

Please note: If you are an agency locum, your designated body would usually be the agency. If you are a doctor in training with a national training number your designated body will be your deanery (Health Education West Midlands).

If you have any queries please contact:

Contact: Sam Hooper (Associate Director for the Medical Directorate)
Telephone: 01743 261000 ext: 2275

Contact: Kim Paterson (Revalidation Support Officer)
Telephone: 01743 261000 ext: 1145

Information Required by the Medical Director’s Office

Inform the Medical Director’s Office of your appraisal history. This is appropriate for anybody working within SATH who has a prescribed connection with our Responsible Officer
Dr John Jones.

Transfer of information for external organisations

If you are an external organisation and have appointed a doctor whose previous designated body was SaTH, or you are a doctor who requires evidence for appraisal; a transfer of information request can be made in writing by email to:

Please note: We will not be able to send Medical Practice Information Transfer Forms until a doctor has commenced their role at your organisation and updated their designated body on GMC Connect accordingly.