
Welcome to the Endocrinology services homepage.

Endocrinology is the study of endocrine glands which are the pituitary, adrenal, thyroid, pancreas, ovaries and testes and their hormones. Patients are clinically evaluated, this can be by blood tests, clinical tests and scans. Endocrinology is often treated medically and if surgery is required, patients can also be referred for surgery.

Contact Numbers

Royal Shrewsbury Hospital
Dr Probal Moulik: 01743 261241
Dr Prashant Singh: 01743 261021
Dr Srinivasa Rangan: 01743 261241 / 261021

Princess Royal Hospital
Dr Darren Warner: 01952 641222 ext 4628
Dr David Barton: 01952  641222 ext 4791

Endocrine Nurses

Tel: 01743 261000 Ext 3437
Email: sath.endocrinespecialistnurses@nhs.net

Useful Links

Advice for Addison’s Disease Patients during the Corona Outbreak
Shropshire and Telford & Wrekin Self Help Group Directory – A directory of self-help groups in Shropshire, Telford & Wrekin
Pituitary Foundation – a national charity providing information and support to people affected by disorders of the pituitary gland which include: Acromegaly, Cushing’s, Prolactinoma, Diabetes Insipidus and Hypopituitarism.
Addison’s Disease Self-Help Group
British Thyroid Foundation
Thyroid Eye Disease
Turner Syndrome Support Society
Thyroid Eye Disease Charitable Trust

Key Info

Contact Us

Endocrine Specialist Nurse
01743 261000    Ext 3437

Associated Wards and Services

Ward 7 (Princess Royal Hosptial)
Ward 26 (Royal Shrewsbury Hospital)

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For more information about vacancies in the Trust please visit our Belong to Something website.