5 February 2025

 So many of my colleagues are inspirational and this week I would like to put the spotlight on one of our volunteers Terry Seston who recently celebrated his 90th birthday and porter Lauren Clarke who took part in an internship project.

Both always have a smile on their faces and show such compassion in their roles, making a huge difference for our patients, visitors and their colleagues.

 Terry Seston has been a ‘meet and greet’ volunteer at Royal Shrewsbury Hospital (RSH) for about 15 years, welcoming patients and visitors when they arrive and supporting them whether it’s with directions or advice.

It is a year of celebrations for Terry, as Terry’s wife Babs who also volunteered at the Trust for many years is also turning 90 in May and they are planning a garden party for their 69th wedding anniversary in June.

Terry volunteers as a way to say thank you after the care he received for bowel cancer 30 years ago.

Lauren was in the first cohort of interns taking part in an employment project at the Trust and now has a job at RSH as a porter, which she loves.

The Trust has partnered with DFN Project Search, Shropshire Council and Shrewsbury Colleges Group to offer young people with learning disabilities and autism the opportunity to gain valuable work experience and paid employment in areas such as catering, housekeeping, pharmacy, pathology and radiology.

Lauren completed the programme after undertaking rotations in catering and portering, and was thrilled when she got her role.

She always has plenty of ideas and her colleagues say they are so proud to have her on their team.

I would like to thank both Lauren and Terry for all that they do to support our patients, visitors and their colleagues.

With norovirus, flu and other nasty seasonal respiratory viruses still circulating, there has never been a more important time for all of us to make sure we are cleaning our hands and following hygiene guidelines.

 Hand hygiene is one of the most effective ways of preventing the spread of infection, not just during winter but all year round. This is to protect all of those in our hospitals and the community.

If you are visiting our hospitals, could I please remind you to help keep our patients and colleagues safe by: Always cleaning your hands using soap and water or alcohol hand gel before and after contact with a patient; and not visiting if you have flu-like symptoms (cough, fever, cold), if you know you have COVID-19 or flu, or any other infections and diarrhoea and/or vomiting within the last two days.

Finally, a reminder that patients and visitors are able to use the Park & Ride to RSH between 10am and 3pm, Monday to Friday, as part of a trial.

Feedback has so far been positive with those using it saying they are impressed with the service. The service runs every 20 minutes from the car park at the Oxon Park & Ride site to the Treatment Centre – the new main entrance of the hospital. The service is free to patients and visitors during the trial.