23 May 2024

A charity is to close after 32 years, raising nearly £60,000 for the Cardiology Department fund at the Trust which runs the county’s two acute hospitals.

Tom Phelps, from SaTH, with members of Copthorne CickersThe Copthorne Cickers recently made its final donation of £6,000 to The Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust (SaTH) Charity’s Cardiology Department fund and has now closed the charitable arm of the group.

The group was formed in 1992 by a group of patients who had spent time together in the Royal Shrewsbury Hospital’s (RSH) Coronary Care Ward and Rehabilitation Department. They all wished to remain in contact and at the same time the British Heart Foundation (BFH) wanted to increase support for heart patients after time in hospital.

It is affiliated to the BFH and since forming 32 years ago the group has raised nearly £60,000 for the RSH Cardiac and Rehabilitation Units.

Jenny Worley, Chair of the Copthorne Cickers, said: “Copthorne Cickers has over the last 30 years supported many people who attended our meetings. Primarily a social group holding regular monthly meetings, members and their partners could meet with others who had also had heart problems. Regular trips and walks were arranged and have been enjoyed by so many over more than 30 years.

“Regular contact with the heart team kept us abreast of the needs of the department. Equipment was provided with a value of over £50,000.

“It was agreed that Copthorne Cickers United should cease to be a registered charity and donations of £3,000 to Telford Coronary Ward and £3,000 to the Rehabilitation unit at Royal Shrewsbury were made.

“Membership since COVID-19 has fallen but meetings are still held each month on the third Thursday at Claremont Baptist Church in Shrewsbury.

“Over the years the group has bought specialist chairs, ECG and C Pap devices, blood pressure monitors, rehabilitation equipment and patient TVs. All these items were purchased through a combination of kind donations, bucket collections outside supermarkets, raffles and its annual harvest festival and auction. They have also received support from other local groups.”

Tom Phelps, Centre Manager for Cardiology, Cardiorespiratory, Diabetes & Endocrinology at SaTH, said: “We are so grateful for all the support we’ve received from the Copthorne Cickers since 1992, their ongoing dedication to raising money to improve the experience for other patients is admirable and we wish them well with their social group.”

The group has decided to close the charitable arm of the organisation but will continue to meet in a social capacity. The group is open to anyone who has had a heart problem including their friends and family. The group meets every third Thursday of the month at Crowmoor Baptist Church from 2pm to 4pm.

Julia Clarke, Director of Public Participation, said: “We want to thank Copthorne Cickers for supporting the Trust for over 30 years with multiple donations of vital equipment. By fundraising you have made a huge difference to the lives of patients and their relatives. We wish you well with your social group.”

You can find out more about the Copthorne Cickers via their website https://www.cickers.com/

Caption: Tom Phelps, Centre Manager for Cardiology, Cardiorespiratory, Diabetes & Endocrinology with committee members for the Copthorne Cickers: Richard John White, Jennifer Ann Worley, Sheila Rowson, Marjorie Walker, Val Taylor, Doreen Lloyd, and David Walker