Construction at The Royal Shrewsbury Hospital

CGI of new healthcare facilities at Royal Shrewsbury Hospital

We have received planning permission for the works at Royal Shrewsbury Hospital from Shropshire Council. We are excited to announce that the first enabling works have started on site. Our contractors, Integrated Healthcare Projects (IHP), have commenced work, which includes setting up temporary site cabins and hoardings which, due to the nature of the works, need to be close to the Emergency Department. These will be located on the main car park, close to the entrance on Mytton Oak Road.

Our contractors, IHP, are members of the Considerate Constructors Scheme which seeks to respect communities impacted by building work. We recognise that during these development works we will need to work differently, and we are committed to minimising the impact on our neighbours, patients and staff as much as possible. We will be ensuring that there is appropriate signage on our sites to help patients know where to park and how to access services. In addition to the HTP enabling works, there are other construction works taking place to improve site wide infrastructure at RSH. Long-term we know that these vital works will improve care for all our communities and whilst these works have commenced, we thank you for your patience and understanding.

If you would like to receive email updates about construction works at RSH, please contact us at, clearly stating you wish to be added to the Royal Shrewsbury Hospital construction updates.

The HTP plans will see a remodelling and expansion of healthcare facilities at RSH to provide:

  • Improved emergency department and emergency care facilities

  • Protected ambulance canopy

  • Modern maternity facilities

  • A new critical care unit

  • A new hospital entrance with enhanced patient drop-off facilities, reception facilities and hospitality offer

Latest developments

Royal Shrewsbury Hospital Outpatients entrance to close

July 17th, 2024|Comments Off on Royal Shrewsbury Hospital Outpatients entrance to close

17 July 2024 The Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust (SaTH) will close its Outpatient entrance at Royal Shrewsbury Hospital (RSH) on Monday 29 July as part of construction works for the new hospital [...]

Other construction works at RSH aligned to HTP