Share Your Patient Story

Female nurse and male patient smiling at each other

We want to hear about your personal experience (good and bad) so we can improve our services. Read more about this in our Patient Story Information Leaflet.

You can email your story to

A patient story is a recalled account of your experience, when staying in hospital, or when using one of its services. It is told by you, from your perspective, and allows us to gain a better understanding of what type of care you received. The story may explain what was good or bad about your care, and what could be done to improve future experience.

The story can be filmed, audio recorded or written. You can remain as anonymous as you choose to in your story and anything you tell us will remain confidential. It may be an option for you to come in to the hospital and have your story filmed/captured by us – to discuss this further please email

Your story might be shared with staff with The Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust (SaTH) and other organisations who we work closely with. Your story might also be shared on our website. We will not share anything without your permission.

The story will not be included in your medical records and it will not affect any future care or involvement you or your family have with the Trust.

We will store your story safely. You may, at any time, ask us not to use or share your story. Contact us using the details below and we can remove your story.

If you tell us something which might mean you are in danger, or about something that is dangerous in our own services, we will need to tell our Trust Safeguarding Lead. They will then investigate to see if action should be taken and they might need to inform the statutory safeguarding authority in Shropshire. If you tell us about a situation that is unsafe or puts patients or staff in danger, we will take immediate action to make it safe.  We will only reveal your story details if it they are needed to identify the issue and take action.

Download our Easy Read consent guide here.

If you have any questions or wish to withdraw consent at any time, you can contact the following SATH representative:

Ruth Smith
Lead for Patient Experience
01743 261000 ext. 3032

Inga’s Story

Changing in Smoking After Patient Feedback

My Patient Experience – British Sign Language

Kwaisi’s COVID-19 Experience

Rainbow Badge Advocates

My Patient Experience – David Thomas