Work starts on creating new Doctors’ Mess at Princess Royal Hospital

24 April 2019 Work has started on a new Doctors’ Mess which is being created at the Princess Royal Hospital (PRH) in Telford. It is hoped that the new facility will provide a welcoming and caring environment for staff, and also help recruitment to The Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust (SaTH), which runs the PRH and the Royal Shrewsbury [...]

Work starts on creating new Doctors’ Mess at Princess Royal Hospital2019-04-25T08:09:02+01:00

Church Stretton Shoppers asked what matters to them about Shropshire Care Closer to Home

23 April 2019 The following information is from colleagues at Shropshire Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) Finding out what matters to local people about Shropshire Care Closer to Home is the aim of a pop-up event in Church Stretton run by NHS Shropshire Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) on Thursday (25 April). CCG staff will be at the Mayfair Community Centre on [...]

Church Stretton Shoppers asked what matters to them about Shropshire Care Closer to Home2019-04-23T12:12:12+01:00

SaTH inspires the next generation of nurses

23 April 2019 Staff at The Shrewsbury and Telford NHS Hospital Trust (SaTH) are being encouraged to sign up as ambassadors to Nursing Now, a national initiative that raises the profile and status of nurses worldwide and inspires the next generation by shining a light on the exciting breadth of careers available within the industry. Clare Walsgrove, Matron Unscheduled Care, [...]

SaTH inspires the next generation of nurses2019-04-23T10:00:09+01:00

RSH radiotherapy team helps patients – and the environment

22 April 2019 The radiotherapy team at the Royal Shrewsbury Hospital has devised an ingenious way of helping their patients – whilst reducing the amount of plastic going to landfill at the same time. Patients with prostate cancer are to be given their own drinks bottle to help them prepare for their radiotherapy treatment in the Lingen Davies Centre. [...]

RSH radiotherapy team helps patients – and the environment2019-04-18T12:42:56+01:00

VIP Awards for staff who went the extra mile

19 April 2019 Two members of staff have been commended for the kindness they showed to a patient. Sean Evans and Sam Kirk, who work in the Trust’s IT department based at the Royal Shrewsbury Hospital, received a call to help the patient who they initially thought was struggling to watch a video on his lap top computer. Sam [...]

VIP Awards for staff who went the extra mile2019-04-18T12:38:14+01:00

Experience of Care Week

18 April 2019 The work of staff who provide care for patients, families and carers will be celebrated next week when the trust that runs Shropshire’s two acute hospitals takes part in Experience of Care Week. Experience of Care Week is an international initiative, running from 22 April to 26 April, which recognises the value of each health worker’s contribution [...]

Experience of Care Week2019-04-18T12:30:17+01:00

Hospital team develops newspaper to help cancer patients

17 April 2019 A team at the Royal Shrewsbury Hospital has developed its own newspaper to help cancer patients understand more about their treatment. Bernadette Mortiboy shows the newspaper to patient William Fearson The Radiotherapy Team based at the Lingen Davies Centre has produced Radiotherapy News, a monthly newsletter which provides information about what’s happening in the department, [...]

Hospital team develops newspaper to help cancer patients2019-04-17T09:03:18+01:00

Theatre worker to run London Marathon in memory of her sister

16 April 2019 A member of staff at The Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust (SaTH) is preparing to run next week’s London Marathon in memory of her sister, who died from a brain tumour at the age of just 10. Lena Riemke-Maw, an Operating Department Practitioner (ODP) at the Trust will take part in the world famous race on [...]

Theatre worker to run London Marathon in memory of her sister2019-04-16T09:29:30+01:00

Hospital team aims to reduce Neonatal admissions

15 April 2019 A team at the Trust which runs Shropshire’s two acute hospitals is developing new ways of working to try to reduce the number of full-term babies unexpectedly admitted onto the Neonatal Unit. As part of a national project called ATAIN (Avoiding Term Admissions Into Neonatal units) to reduce admissions, the Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust (SaTH) [...]

Hospital team aims to reduce Neonatal admissions2019-04-15T14:24:43+01:00

Trainee surgeon wins gold at British University Taekwondo Championships

12 April 2019 A surgeon at the Trust which runs Shropshire’s two acute hospitals has won a gold medal at the British University Taekwondo Championships. SaTH surgeon Shko Resool with his gold medal Shko Resool, a Surgical Trainee in Vascular Surgery at The Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust (SaTH), which runs the Royal Shrewsbury Hospital (RSH) and [...]

Trainee surgeon wins gold at British University Taekwondo Championships2019-04-12T09:41:14+01:00