Chief Executive’s explosive charity trek nears

28 September 2017 In just over a week’s time Simon Wright, our Chief Executive, will jet off to tackle his epic charity trek to add funds for a new MRI scanner. Simon on a training hike in preparation for his adventure. Simon will tackle Sicily’s “Mighty Four” volcanoes - Stromboli, Vulcano, Salina and culminating at the world famous [...]

Chief Executive’s explosive charity trek nears2017-10-16T12:24:54+01:00

Resuscitation team to defend European title

25 September 2017 A team from The Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust (SaTH) is heading to Germany this week to defend their title at the European Resuscitation Congress. The Trust's resuscitation team, which has been selected by the Resuscitation Council to represent the UK, will be made up of Tom Wood, Dave Green, Dodiy Herman, Nicola Ijewsky, Rachel Bowen [...]

Resuscitation team to defend European title2017-09-25T14:41:11+01:00

Vote for your Public Choice VIP Award 2017 winner

25 September 2017 Staff at The Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust (SaTH), who have gone the extra mile in their care of their patients, are in the running for its Public Choice VIP Award 2017. Three nominees - Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon Mr Stuart Hay and the Fracture Clinic Team, Senior Paediatric Audiologist Faye Perring and Gastro/IBD Specialist Nurse Sally [...]

Vote for your Public Choice VIP Award 2017 winner2018-08-13T08:05:13+01:00

Ten thousand crocuses to be planted at PRH

22 September 2017 Ten thousand crocuses are to be planted at the Princess Royal Hospital (PRH) in Telford next month – with a sea of purple blooms expected next spring. The project will be led by the Rotary Club of Telford Centre, and will see 40 Year 7 pupils from Hadley Learning Community in Telford, join the Rotarians to plant [...]

Ten thousand crocuses to be planted at PRH2017-09-22T08:36:41+01:00

Shrewsbury Midwife Led Unit has re-opened

20 September 2017 The Midwife Led Unit at the Royal Shrewsbury Hospital (RSH) has re-opened after flash flooding caused services to be temporarily suspended. The flooding caused damage to the roof of the Midwife Led Unit at 5pm on Monday 18 September and services were immediately suspended while repairs were carried out. Services were restored at 12noon on Wednesday 20 [...]

Shrewsbury Midwife Led Unit has re-opened2017-09-20T11:45:39+01:00

Services at Shrewsbury MLU to resume at 12noon on Wednesday 20 September

19 September 2017 Services at the Royal Shrewsbury Hospital’s (RSH) Midwife Led Unit are expected to resume from 12noon on Wednesday 20 September. Flash flooding caused damage to the roof of the Midwife Led Unit at 5pm on Monday 18 September and services were immediately suspended while repairs were carried out. It was hoped that services would be up and [...]

Services at Shrewsbury MLU to resume at 12noon on Wednesday 20 September2017-09-19T12:37:32+01:00

Services temporarily suspended at Shrewsbury Midwife Led Unit

18 September 2017 Services at the Royal Shrewsbury Hospital’s (RSH) Midwife Led Unit have been temporarily suspended from 5pm on Monday 18 September until 8am on Tuesday September 19. Unfortunately flash flooding has caused damage to the roof of the unit, meaning that part of it is inaccessible. All women who are due to have their baby have been notified, [...]

Services temporarily suspended at Shrewsbury Midwife Led Unit2017-09-18T17:14:36+01:00

Improving care for patients with Sepsis

11 September 2017 The Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust (SaTH) is making significant improvements in the screening and treatment of patients with Sepsis. Sepsis arises when the body’s response to an infection injures the person's own tissues and organs. It leads to shock, multiple organ failure and death, especially if not recognised early and treated promptly. There are around [...]

Improving care for patients with Sepsis2017-09-11T15:53:34+01:00

More than 40 new nurses join SaTH

8 September 2017 More than 40 new nurses have joined the Trust that runs Shropshire’s two acute hospitals. The 42 nurses will work across scheduled and unscheduled care at the Royal Shrewsbury Hospital (RSH) and the Princess Royal Hospital (PRH) in Telford. The appointments will boost the workforce at The Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust (SaTH) and reduce the [...]

More than 40 new nurses join SaTH2017-09-08T14:47:31+01:00

New Bus Stop at the Royal Shrewsbury Hospital

6 September 2017 A new bus stop has opened at the Royal Shrewsbury Hospital (RSH) benefiting both patients and staff. The bus stop is located at the Treatment Centre at rear of the Copthorne site, and officially launched on Monday 4 September. It is the second stop at the RSH, with the first being located near Outpatients. It means that [...]

New Bus Stop at the Royal Shrewsbury Hospital2017-09-08T14:48:37+01:00