Swift boxes installed at Royal Shrewsbury Hospital

9 May 2017 Three swift boxes have been installed at the Royal Shrewsbury Hospital (RSH) to provide a nesting site for the birds. Local firm Sudlows helped The Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust (SaTH) to install the swift boxes at RSH in April 2017. The swift boxes at RSH The boxes, which have been installed on the [...]

Swift boxes installed at Royal Shrewsbury Hospital2017-05-09T14:54:01+01:00

Roadworks at RSH

8 May 2017 Patients are advised to allow extra time for their journey to the Royal Shrewsbury Hospital on Wednesday (10 May) due to roadworks outside the hospital site. Shropshire Council is carrying out the work to replace three underground columns that feed power to the streetlights. Three-way traffic lights will be in operation between 9am – 4pm on Mytton Oak Road [...]

Roadworks at RSH2017-05-08T09:05:57+01:00

Temporary suspension of services at Ludlow Midwife Led Unit from 8pm tonight (Friday 5 May 2017)

5 May 2017 Services at Ludlow Midwife Led Unit (MLU) will be temporarily suspended from 8pm tonight (Friday 5 May 2017) until 8am on Monday (8 May 2017). Women booked to give birth at Ludlow MLU who go into labour during the temporary suspension of services will be offered a birth at another MLU. If any women due to give [...]

Temporary suspension of services at Ludlow Midwife Led Unit from 8pm tonight (Friday 5 May 2017)2017-05-05T15:05:30+01:00

Statement following today’s Trust Board meeting

27 April 2017 A statement from Professor Peter Latchford the Chair of The Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust following the brief adjournment of today's (April 27) meeting of the Trust Board: “The Board of The Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust is committed to openness and transparency, and conducts as much of its business as possible in a session [...]

Statement following today’s Trust Board meeting2017-04-27T17:04:35+01:00

Plan ahead for the early May Bank Holiday to make sure you keep well over the long weekend

25 April 2017 This weekend - Friday 28 April to Monday 1 May - is early May Bank Holiday weekend, so here are some top tips to help make sure you and your families stay well. Plan ahead: Check your daily medication to make sure have enough to last over the bank holiday weekend. Running out of daily medication could [...]

Plan ahead for the early May Bank Holiday to make sure you keep well over the long weekend2017-04-26T11:58:10+01:00

See and Hear Exhibition goes from strength to strength as it celebrates its 10th successful year

25 April 2017 Shropshire’s See and Hear Exhibition will again be hosting a fantastic range of events and activities for people with sight and hearing loss on Wednesday 10 May 2017. The annual event, which celebrates its 10th successful year, will be hosted at Shrewsbury Sports Village on Sundorne Road, Shrewsbury, between 10am and 4pm. The event is free and open [...]

See and Hear Exhibition goes from strength to strength as it celebrates its 10th successful year2017-06-12T10:10:09+01:00

Shrewsbury Day Assessment Unit for pregnant women temporarily unavailable from 24 April 2017 until 8 May 2017

20 April 2017 Services for pregnant women at Shrewsbury Day Assessment Unit will be unavailable from 24 April 2017 until 8 May 2017. The temporary suspension of services at the unit at the Royal Shrewsbury Hospital (RSH) is due to staff shortages. It is expected to reopen on 8 May 2017. The unit oversees antenatal appointments, such as blood tests, [...]

Shrewsbury Day Assessment Unit for pregnant women temporarily unavailable from 24 April 2017 until 8 May 20172017-04-20T13:49:33+01:00

Update on Trust Sustainable Services Programme

20 April 2017 The following statement outlines what women and children’s services are proposed to be on the Emergency Site and Planned Care Sites under the Trust’s Sustainable Services Programme. More details about the programme are available here.  The programme feeds into NHS Future Fit and will be subject to a full public consultation: Simon Wright, Chief Executive of The [...]

Update on Trust Sustainable Services Programme2017-04-25T11:50:39+01:00

Maternity services statement

13 April 2017 You may be aware of media interest in our Maternity service following some tragic deaths of babies in which failings in care have been identified. Simon Wright, Chief Executive of The Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust, has issued the following statement: “The death of a baby is the most tragic event imaginable and we again apologise unreservedly [...]

Maternity services statement2017-04-26T11:07:40+01:00

Progress made to delivering safe and sustainable health services

12 April 2017 The following message is from our colleagues at Shropshire Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) NHS Shropshire CCG has made further progress to ensure local NHS services deliver improved outcomes for patients. The CCG launched reviews of some of the services it commissions in February to ensure that everybody in Shropshire has access to healthcare that is safe, high-quality [...]

Progress made to delivering safe and sustainable health services2017-04-12T14:38:44+01:00